All Time Famous Louise Hay Quotes

Louise Hay (1926–2017) was a pioneering American motivational author and the founder of Hay House, a successful publishing company specializing in self-help and spiritual books. Born on October 8, 1926, in Los Angeles, California, Hay gained international acclaim for her best-selling book “You Can Heal Your Life,” which explores the mind-body connection and the power of positive affirmations. A leading figure in the self-help movement, she focused on the transformative potential of thoughts and beliefs in shaping one’s life. Louise Hay’s teachings emphasized self-love, forgiveness, and the ability to create positive change through affirmations. Her work has influenced millions of people worldwide, and she became a respected advocate for personal development and holistic healing until her passing in 2017. Hay’s legacy endures through her impact on the field of self-help and her contributions to empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling lives.

Louise Hay Quotes

1. “Everything I touch is a success.”
— Louise Hay

2. “I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.”
— Louise Hay

3. “I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”
— Louise Hay

4. “All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!”
— Louise Hay

5. “I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.”
— Louise Hay

6. “I deserve the best and I accept the best now.”
— Louise Hay

7. “I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.”
— Louise Hay

8. “Ask for what you want. Believe that you deserve it, and then allow Life to give it to you.”
— Louise Hay

9. “Each day is a new opportunity. I chose to make this day a great one.”
— Louise Hay

10. “All that I seek is already within me.”
— Louise Hay

11. “Love yourself and you can heal your life.”
— Louise Hay

12. “I accept myself unconditionally right now.”
— Louise Hay

13. “Today I can do anything I put my mind to.”
— Louise Hay

14. “I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.”
— Louise Hay

15. “I allow the healing power in my body to manifest perfect health.”
— Louise Hay

16. “Everything I need to know is revealed to me. Everything I need comes to me. All is well in my life.”
— Louise Hay

17. “As I say yes to life, life says yes to me!”
— Louise Hay

18. “I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.”
— Louise Hay

19. “My future is bright and beautiful.”
— Louise Hay

20. “I am a capable person, and I can handle anything that comes my way.”
— Louise Hay

21. “I am totally safe in the Universe. I am at peace everywhere. I trust life.”
— Louise Hay

22. “I face my future peacefully and calmly because I know I am enough.”
— Louise Hay

23. “I am in charge. I take my own power back.”
— Louise Hay

24. “The simple part is, every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future. If you change your thinking, you can change your life.”
— Louise Hay

25. “I let go of all fear and doubt, and life becomes simple and easy for me.”
— Louise Hay

26. “I close my eyes, think positive thoughts, and breathe goodness in and out.”
— Louise Hay

27. “My day begins with gratitude and joy. I look forward with enthusiasm to the adventures of the day, knowing that in my life, All is good.”
— Louise Hay

28. “Think thoughts that make you happy. Do things that make you feel good. Be with people who make you feel good. Eat things that make your body feel good. Go at a pace that makes you feel good.”
— Louise Hay

29. “I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how.”
— Louise Hay

30. “I give myself permission to be all that I can be, and I deserve the very best in life.”
— Louise Hay

31. “It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed. I am not limited by any past thinking. I choose my thoughts with care. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world. I am willing to change and grow.”
— Louise Hay

32. “My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.”
— Louise Hay

33. “I am one with the power and wisdom of the Universe. I have all that I need.”
— Louise Hay

34. “You are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of your own mind.”
— Louise Hay

35. “I am so grateful for my beautiful life. I am cherished and loved. And I share my love and joy with everyone.”
— Louise Hay

36. “I was born to enjoy life. And so it is.”
— Louise Hay

37. “I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.”
— Louise Hay

38. “I am my best friend. Other friends may come and go, but I am always here for me.”
— Louise Hay

39. “Resistance is the first step to change.”
— Louise Hay

40. “I realize that stress is only fear. I now release all fears.”
— Louise Hay

41. “Each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over and done. Today is the first day of my future.”
— Louise Hay

42. “I am willing to move out of my comfort zone and experience life in a new way.”
— Louise Hay

43. “I release any feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.”
— Louise Hay

44. “I relax and enjoy life. I know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me in the perfect time and space sequence.”
— Louise Hay

45. “I now discover how wonderful I am. I choose to love and enjoy myself.”
— Louise Hay

46. “I love myself for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now.”
— Louise Hay

47. “Be willing to stop punishing yourself for your mistakes. Love yourself for your willingness to learn and grow.”
— Louise Hay

48. “I am willing to release old negative beliefs. They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.”
— Louise Hay

49. “I release all fears and doubts. I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I am loved and I am safe.”
— Louise Hay

50. “Share your joy with everyone in your world.”
— Louise Hay

51. “Most people are doing the best they can, given what they know and understand, including you. If they knew more and were aware of more, they would do things differently.”
— Louise Hay

52. “Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up.”
— Louise Hay

53. “Life can’t give to you if your hands are closed. Open your mind, open your heart, and open your arms.”
— Louise Hay

54. “Procrastination is another form of resistance.”
— Louise Hay

55. “Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer.”
— Louise Hay

56. “Thoughts are like drops of water: with our thoughts, we can drown in a sea of negativity, or we can float on the ocean of life.”
— Louise Hay

57. “I love and approve of myself. I love and approve of my body. I feed it nourishing foods and beverages. I exercise it in ways that are fun.”
— Louise Hay

58. “Today I create a stress-free world for myself.”
— Louise Hay

59. “I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind.”
— Louise Hay

60. “I follow my inner star. I AM a shining example of Love and Light.”
— Louise Hay

61. “Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent upon your prosperity consciousness.”
— Louise Hay

62. “Loving myself and thinking joyful, happy thoughts is the quickest way to create a wonderful life.”
— Louise Hay

63. “The power is within you. It always has been. How far are you willing to expand the horizons of your thinking and stir that power awake?”
— Louise Hay

64. “Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older.”
— Louise Hay

65. “I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.”
— Louise Hay

66. “Look in the mirror and tell yourself how wonderful you are.”
— Louise Hay

67. “Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It frees you from the past, past experiences, and past relationships. It allows you to live in the present time. When you forgive yourself and forgive others, you are indeed free.”
— Louise Hay

68. “Love is contagious. When I share love, it comes back to me multiplied. Love opens every door.”
— Louise Hay

69. “Guilt is a totally useless emotion. It never makes anyone feel better nor does it change a situation.”
— Louise Hay

70. “I love myself for all my mistakes and missteps. They have been very valuable to me. They have taught me many things. It is the way I learn. I am willing to stop punishing myself for my mistakes.”
— Louise Hay

71. “Today is a new day. Today is a day for you to begin creating a joyous, fulfilling life.”
— Louise Hay

72. “It is true if you believe it to be true.”
— Louise Hay

73. “That’s the way life works: gratitude and appreciation just bring more goodness. Remember: Everything we give out comes back. Gratitude has all sorts of little, surprising rewards.”
— Louise Hay

74. “Experiences come and go; however, my love for myself is constant.”
— Louise Hay

75. “Peace beings with me. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.”
— Louise Hay

76. “As I love and approve of myself and others, my life gets better and better.”
— Louise Hay

77. “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”
— Louise Hay

78. “It is okay to ask for help. I give help when others need it, and ask for help when I need it.”
— Louise Hay

79. “The past has no power over us. It doesn’t matter how long we have had a negative pattern. The point of power is in the present moment. What a wonderful thing to realize! We can begin to be free in this moment!”
— Louise Hay

80. “That person who is the hardest to forgive is the one who can teach you the greatest lessons. When you love yourself enough to rise above the old situation, then understanding and forgiveness will be easy. And you’ll be free.”
— Louise Hay

81. “Your security is not your job, or your bank account, or your investments, or your spouse or your parents. Your security is your ability to connect with the cosmic power that creates all things.”
— Louise Hay

82. “I grow spiritually when I accept responsibility for my life.”
— Louise Hay

83. “How you start your day is how you live your day. How you live your day is how you live your life.”
— Louise Hay

84. “I speak up for myself. I claim my power now.”
— Louise Hay

85. “Maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony with the universe by meditating every day. Inhale the precious breath of life. It is your connection to your Higher power.”
— Louise Hay

86. “The Universe loves grateful people. The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about. It’s that simple. Life is really that simple. We make it enormously complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.”
— Louise Hay

87. “When we think good thoughts and choose the actions that make us feel good, Life provides us with all the evidence we need that we are loved and cared for.”
— Louise Hay

88. “I am the joy of life expressing and receiving in perfect rhythm.”
— Louise Hay

89. “I ask for help. I tell Life what I want, and then I allow it to happen.”
— Louise Hay

90. “When we forgive and let go, not only does a huge weight drop off your shoulders, but the doorway to your own self-love opens.”
— Louise Hay

91. “The act of forgiveness takes place in our own mind. It really has nothing to do with the other person.”
— Louise Hay

92. “There’s no such thing as good weather or bad weather. There’s just weather and your attitude towards it.”
— Louise Hay

93. “If I want to live in a peaceful world, then it is up to me to make sure that I am a peaceful person. No matter how others behave, I keep peace in my heart. I declare peace in the midst of chaos or madness. I surround all difficult situations with peace and love.”
— Louise Hay

94. “Today I do a mental housecleaning, making room for new, positive thoughts.”
— Louise Hay

95. “I let go of childhood fears. I am a secure, empowered human being.”
— Louise Hay

96. “Taking a step without knowing the end result is the only way we develop faith and not only this, it’s a practice that connects us with a power greater than ourselves.”
— Louise Hay

97. “See God in every person, place, and thing, and all will be well in your world.”
— Louise Hay

98. “An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.”
— Louise Hay

99. “Every day it gets easier to look into my own eyes on the mirror and say, “I love you just the way you are.””
— Louise Hay

100. “Everything you need comes to you in perfect time, space, and sequence.”
— Louise Hay

101. “We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.”
— Louise Hay

102. “Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.”
— Louise Hay

103. “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
— Louise Hay

104. “Your mind is a tool you can choose to use any way you wish.”
— Louise Hay

105. “Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface.”
— Louise Hay

106. “I let go of all expectations. People, places, and things are free to be themselves, and I am free to be me.”
— Louise Hay

107. “I trust myself, and I trust Life to support and protect me.”
— Louise Hay

108. “If I want to be loved as I am, I have to be willing to love others as they are.”
— Louise Hay

109. “Let’s get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are.”
— Louise Hay

110. “The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”
— Louise Hay

111. “I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious universe, and I am grateful.”
— Louise Hay

112. “It’s not what happens to you, but how you handle it. If Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If the lemons are rotten, take out the seeds and plant them in order to grow new lemons.”
— Louise Hay

113. “Each day is a start of a new adventure, and I eagerly look forward to today.”
— Louise Hay

114. “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack. I now choose to begin to see myself as the Universe sees me – perfect, whole, and complete. The truth of my Being is that I was created perfect, whole, and complete. I will always be perfect, whole, and complete. I now choose to live my life from this understanding. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. All is well in my world.”
— Louise Hay

115. “Love is the most important healing power there is.”
— Louise Hay

116. “Love is acceptance – accepting people as they are. Just acceptance and caring.”
— Louise Hay

117. “The Universe loves a grateful person. The more you thank Life, the more Life will give you to be thankful for.”
— Louise Hay

118. “I release the past with ease and trust in the process of life.”
— Louise Hay

119. “I am worth loving. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself.”
— Louise Hay

120. “I accept perfect health as the natural state of my being. I now consciously release any mental patterns within me that could express as dis-ease in any way. Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now.”
— Louise Hay

121. “It feels good to know that I am safe and I am loved.”
— Louise Hay

122. “When we create peace, and harmony, and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”
— Louise Hay

123. “My heart forgives and releases. Inner peace is my goal.”
— Louise Hay

124. “My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole, and complete.”
— Louise Hay

125. “In order to change your life outside, you must first change inside.”
— Louise Hay

126. “I rejoice in the success of others, knowing that there is plenty for us all.”
— Louise Hay

127. “I respect my boundaries, and I insist that others respect them, too.”
— Louise Hay

128. “The more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life.”
— Louise Hay

129. “As I forgive, I set myself free and experience the bliss of inner peace.”
— Louise Hay

130. “Healing means accepting all parts of ourselves, not just the parts we like, but all of us.”
— Louise Hay

131. “Patience is being at peace with the process of life.”
— Louise Hay

132. “Every thought and every word you speak is an affirmation. So why not choose to use only positive affirmations to create an exceptional life? I know you can do it!”
— Louise Hay

133. “Love of self and love of life connects us with the prosperity of the Universe. Self-love creates self-expression and allows us to be creative in deeply fulfilling ways.”
— Louise Hay

134. “When you find Peace within, you create a Peaceful world around you.”
— Louise Hay

135. “Forgiving makes me feel free and light. I forgive everyone, including myself.”
— Louise Hay

136. “I breathe in the fullness and richness of life.”
— Louise Hay

137. “I will not be distracted by noise, chatter, or setbacks. Patience, commitment, grace, and purpose will guide me.”
— Louise Hay

138. “The bottom line for everyone is I’m not good enough. It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.”
— Louise Hay

139. “Life supports me every step of the way!”
— Louise Hay

140. “Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.”
— Louise Hay

141. “Every experience I have benefits me. I am in the process of positive change.”
— Louise Hay

142. “I have learned over the years that the nicest thing I can do is to just say to myself, “Good Morning Darling, I love you; we’re going to have a really great day today.””
— Louise Hay

143. “As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes.”
— Louise Hay

144. “I trust the process of life. Only right and good action is taking place in my life.”
— Louise Hay

145. “I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life.”
— Louise Hay

146. “No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have. And when you know more, you will do differently, as I did.”
— Louise Hay

147. “Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
— Louise Hay

148. “My home is a happy place to be. I bless everyone who enters, myself included. Pleasant experiences fill every room.”
— Louise Hay

149. “Your words are so powerful and precious. Learn to harness them, guide them, and let them work for you.”
— Louise Hay

150. “Nothing in the past is as powerful as what we choose to do in the present moment.”
— Louise Hay

151. “Prosperity isn’t defined by money alone; it encompasses time, love, success, joy, comfort, beauty, and wisdom.”
— Louise Hay

152. “I am a Divine, magnificent expression of life, and deserve the very best. I accept miracles. I accept healing. I accept wholeness. And most of all, I accept myself. I am precious, and I cherish who I am.”
— Louise Hay

153. “If it grows, eat it. If it doesn’t grow, don’t eat it.”
— Louise Hay

154. “It is safe to be me. I love life. I am always safe and secure. I move forward in life with joy and ease. All is well in my world.”
— Louise Hay

155. “I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.”
— Louise Hay

156. “The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak.”
— Louise Hay

157. “I say ‘Out’ to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.”
— Louise Hay

158. “My intuition is always on my side. I trust it to be there at all times.”
— Louise Hay

159. “My body is very wise; it knows how to heal itself.”
— Louise Hay

160. “My best relationship is the one I have with myself. I know I am always connected to a Universe that loves me. I draw loving people and loving experiences to me.”
— Louise Hay

161. “I listen with love to my body’s messages.”
— Louise Hay

162. “Life is always trying to love us, but we need to be open if we are to see it. Fear shows us one world; and love shows us another world. We decide which world is real. And we decide which world we want to live in.”
— Louise Hay

163. “My talents are in demand, and my unique gifts are appreciated by those around me.”
— Louise Hay

164. “Love happens! I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time-space sequence.”
— Louise Hay

165. “When I feel tense, I remember to relax all of the muscles and organs in my body.”
— Louise Hay

166. “I found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself.”
— Louise Hay

167. “I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and understanding I have.”
— Louise Hay

168. “Love is always the answer to healing of any sort.”
— Louise Hay

169. “Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”
— Louise Hay

170. “I give myself the green light to move forward, and to joyously embrace the new.”
— Louise Hay

171. “Today healing energy constantly flows through every organ, joint, and cell in my body.”
— Louise Hay

172. “Financial security puts me at ease and makes me feel good about my future.”
— Louise Hay

173. “Your thoughts are like the seeds you plant in your garden. Your beliefs are like the soil in which you plant these seeds.”
— Louise Hay

174. “Begin to listen to what you say. Don’t say anything that you don’t want to become true for you.”
— Louise Hay

175. “Release the past, let it wash away. Take back your own power. Stop dwelling on what you don’t want. Use your mind to create what you “do want.” Let yourself flow with the tide of life.”
— Louise Hay

176. “I rejoice in what I have and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful.”
— Louise Hay

177. “I am loved and accepted exactly how I am, right here and right now.”
— Louise Hay

178. “Everything in your life, every experience, every relationship is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside of you.”
— Louise Hay

179. “My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.”
— Louise Hay

180. “I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe.”
— Louise Hay

181. “The thoughts you choose to think and believe right now are creating your future. These thoughts form your experiences, tomorrow, next week, and next year.”
— Louise Hay

182. “I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change.”
— Louise Hay

183. “I remove the work should from my vocabulary forever. Should is a word that makes a prisoner of me. Every time I say should, I am making myself wrong, or I am making someone else wrong. I am, in effect, saying I am not good enough.”
— Louise Hay

184. “I forgive you for not being the way I wanted you to be. I forgive you and I set you free.”
— Louise Hay

185. “I release all criticism. I only give out that which I wish to receive in return. My love and acceptance of others is mirrored to me in every moment.”
— Louise Hay

186. “Life is a lottery that we’ve already won. But most people have not cashed in their tickets.”
— Louise Hay

187. “The past is over, so it has no power now. The thoughts of this moment create my future.”
— Louise Hay

188. “I do not allow others to influence my thinking unless it is positive or uplifting.”
— Louise Hay

189. “I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are, and I simply love who I am.”
— Louise Hay

190. “I am totally free to choose thoughts of joy. It is my Divine right to do so.”
— Louise Hay

191. “Don’t run from lessons; they are little packages of treasure that have been given to us. As we learn from them, our lives change for the better.”
— Louise Hay

192. “The ability to relax and be mindfully present in the moment comes naturally when we are grateful.”
— Louise Hay

193. “Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare it as though you have it!”
— Louise Hay

194. “Every obstacle is a stepping stone. My good cannot be stopped.”
— Louise Hay

195. “It’s okay to learn from every experience, and it’s okay to make mistakes.”
— Louise Hay

196. “You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that!”
— Louise Hay

197. “I am as successful as I make up my mind to be.”
— Louise Hay

198. “No person, no place, and nothing has any power over us, for “we” are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”
— Louise Hay

199. “Everything you do is by choice. It may not seem so, but it is…”
— Louise Hay

200. “I go beyond barriers into possibilities.”
— Louise Hay

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