All Time Famous Melissa Rivers Quotes

Melissa Rivers Quotes

Melissa Rivers, born on January 20, 1968, is an American television host, producer, and actress. The only child of iconic comedian Joan Rivers, Melissa gained prominence co-hosting E!’s “Fashion Police.” Known for her wit and humor, she has made numerous television appearances and produced shows like “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?” Melissa has also worked as an executive producer on various projects, honoring her mother’s legacy while establishing herself as a respected figure in the entertainment industry.

Melissa Rivers Quotes

1. “My mother’s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh.”
— Melissa Rivers

2. “My mother has been moved out of intensive care and into a private room where she is being kept comfortable. Thank you for your continued support.”
— Melissa Rivers

3. “Most parents send their children off to school with little bromides like “Have a great day! I can’t wait to see you later!” or “Do your best at school today. We’re having your favorite pizza for dinner tonight!” My mother would send me off with “Enjoy yourself. We could all be dead tomorrow.”
— Melissa Rivers

4. “The best advice my mom has ever given me is to never give up. She believes when one door shuts, another door opens. Always, always move forward.”
— Melissa Rivers

5. “I know my mother would be overwhelmed by the continued outpouring of kindness and I want to thank everyone for keeping us in their prayers.”
— Melissa Rivers

6. “I think anyone who has a job in the entertainment industry that is ongoing and then decides they get bored and doesn’t want to do it anymore is foolish!”
— Melissa Rivers

7. “Oh God, friend breakups are the worst. The worst! And I’ve been through it. Basically, if you’re over the age of 5, you’ve been through friend breakups.”
— Melissa Rivers

8. “My rule is always if you keep your basics classic. You can add seasonable and very trendy stuff and always look modern and updated, but if you’re questioning something and it’s expensive, err on the side of classic.”
— Melissa Rivers

9. “How about having a properly equipped crash cart?”
— Melissa Rivers

10. “I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming love and support for my mother. She is resting comfortably and is with our family. We ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.”
— Melissa Rivers

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