All Time Famous Nouman Ali Khan Quotes

Nouman Ali Khan, a Pakistani-American scholar and speaker, wears many hats. Born in Germany in 1978, he spent his formative years across continents, shaping his multicultural perspective. Khan’s passion for Arabic and Islamic studies led him to found the Bayyinah Institute, a renowned center for learning. Prior to that, he shared his knowledge as an Arabic instructor at Nassau Community College. His expertise and influence have garnered recognition, including being named one of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. Khan’s work bridges cultures, providing accessible and engaging Islamic education through lectures, courses, and online platforms. He remains a prominent voice in contemporary Islamic discourse.

Nouman Ali Khan Quotes

1. “When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy because Allah is answering that person’s prayer through you.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

2. “The real Da’wah to Islam is the character of a Muslim.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

3. “If someone corrects you, and you feel offended, then YOU have an EGO problem.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

4. “When you’re going through something hard and you start wondering where Allah is, just remember, the Teacher is always quiet during a test.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

5. “Regret is a form of punishment itself.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

6. “Guilt is a gift from Allah warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

7. “Sabr is not remaining quiet and allowing anger to build up inside you. Sabr is to talk about what’s bothering you without losing control of your emotions.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

8. “Allah says Jannah is awesome, imagine how awesome that is when the All-Knowing is calling it awesome.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

9. “People have no idea how true the promise of Allah is. Put your trust in Allah, and He will see you through.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

10. “You and I are not Muslim, because we are born in a Muslim family. You and I are not Muslim, because you read a book about Islam, or saw a Youtube video and decided to become Muslim. We are Muslim, because Allah chose us. Allah chose us.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

11. “Your relationship with Allah, depends on the heart being clean.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

12. “If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, ‘I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude.’”
— Nouman Ali Khan

13. “Your sin is not greater than God’s mercy.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

14. “If your parents are alive, be grateful at the opportunity to earn Jannah by serving them.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

15. “I should be grateful for the tough times because Allah chose me, thought I was good enough to go through it.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

16. “If shaytan has entered into your heart – evil will look beautiful to you and good will seem tiring and exhausting.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

17. “You can’t change someone’s behavior, all you can do is remind them, and hope that Allah will change their heart.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

18. “Islam is not a set of rules. It’s a way of seeing life and the world.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

19. “You can’t just pretend that the things you watch, and the things you hear, and the places you go will not have an impact on your character. They will.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

20. “Every Hour has its own value. Every minute is precious. Every second is irreplaceable. Thank Allah for the time you have, be it little. If you thank Allah for something, He will surely increase it in its blessings.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

21. “Filthy language is used by people who don’t have the maturity or intelligence to express themselves with better words.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

22. “People can put you down, and they will but Allah will never abandon you, so long as you don’t.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

23. “Not letting our mood affect the way we treat people is a forgotten sunnah.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

24. “When you’re not patient, you start complaining. And the fact that you’re complaining is a sign that you’re not grateful.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

25. “If you have friends or family who are not practicing, give them your company and not your judgment. They need your patience and your love. Allah is sufficient for judgment and He subhanahu wa ta’ala is a perfect Judge. We are not.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

26. “When Allah grants us the sense to ask Him for forgiveness, then He has granted us a huge favor. It’s a sign that He wants to forgive us.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

27. “Our religion doesn’t demand perfection but instead a manageable strive to better ourselves.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

28. “Forgiving someone isn’t just about doing good to another. It’s also about healing a scar in your own heart.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

29. “If you believe in justice, surely you believe in the hereafter because this world is not just.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

30. “There is nothing wrong with having a good job, there is nothing wrong with having a nice house, there is nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong when that is your goal.”
— Nouman Ali Khan

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