All Time Famous Princess Diana Quotes

Princess Diana, born on July 1, 1961, became the Princess of Wales upon her marriage to Prince Charles in 1981. Known for her compassion and humanitarian work, she played a key role in destigmatizing issues like AIDS and mental health. Despite her divorce from Prince Charles in 1996, Diana remained a prominent figure. Tragically, she died in a car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997, leaving a profound impact on people globally. Her legacy is marked by her kindness, grace, and dedication to charitable causes, making her a beloved and iconic figure remembered for her contributions to various humanitarian efforts.

Princess Diana Quotes

1. “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
— Princess Diana

2. “Only do what your heart tells you.”
— Princess Diana

3. “I don’t go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head.”
— Princess Diana

4. “Helping people in need is a good and essential part of my life, a kind of destiny.”
— Princess Diana

5. “There’s no better way to dismantle a personality than to isolate it.”
— Princess Diana

6. “Life is just a journey.”
— Princess Diana

7. “I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but that’s the way I am.”
— Princess Diana

8. “I’d like to be queen of people’s hearts.”
— Princess Diana

9. “Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.”
— Princess Diana

10. “They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody?”
— Princess Diana

11. “I do things differently because I don’t go by a rule book because I lead from the heart, not the head, and albeit that’s got me into trouble in my work, I understand that.”
— Princess Diana

12. “A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.”
— Princess Diana

13. “I knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love them.”
— Princess Diana

14. “It is a weakness that I lead from my heart, and not my head?”
— Princess Diana

15. “The biggest disease this day and age is that of people feeling unloved.”
— Princess Diana

16. “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.”
— Princess Diana

17. “I have a woman’s instinct and it’s always a good one.”
— Princess Diana

18. “When you are happy you can forgive a great deal.”
— Princess Diana

19. “I wear my heart on my sleeve.”
— Princess Diana

20. “Whoever is in the distress can call me. I will come running wherever they are.”
— Princess Diana

21. “I’m a free spirit – unfortunately for some.”
— Princess Diana

22. “I am not a political figure. The fact is I am a humanitarian figure and always will be.”
— Princess Diana

23. “Everywhere I go I smell fresh paint.”
— Princess Diana

24. “You can’t comfort the afflicted with afflicting the comfortable.”
— Princess Diana

25. “HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug: Heaven knows they need it.”
— Princess Diana

26. “The greatest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of each other.”
— Princess Diana

27. “I work on instinct. It’s my best adviser.”
— Princess Diana

28. “I should never have played with fire and I did. And I got very burned.”
— Princess Diana

29. “I am always going to be true to myself.”
— Princess Diana

30. “Everybody needs hugs.”
— Princess Diana

31. “I wish all the mothers, fathers, and children out there realize how much I need them and how much I value their support.”
— Princess Diana

32. “I don’t want expensive gifts; I don’t want to be bought. I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure.”
— Princess Diana

33. “I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties.”
— Princess Diana

34. “I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that.”
— Princess Diana

35. “It’s not sissy to show your feeling.”
— Princess Diana

36. “Call me Diana, not Princess Diana.”
— Princess Diana

37. “Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life – a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are.”
— Princess Diana

38. “I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. I had tremendous hope in me.”
— Princess Diana

39. “I understand that change is frightening for people, especially if there’s nothing to go to. It’s best to stay where you are. I understand that.”
— Princess Diana

40. “It has always been my concern to touch people with leprosy, trying to show in a simple action that they are not reviled, nor are we repulsed.”
— Princess Diana

41. “People think that at the end of the day a man is the only answer. Actually, a fulfilling job is better for me.”
— Princess Diana

42. “I’ve got to have a place where I can find peace of mind.”
— Princess Diana

43. “Hugs can do great amounts of good – especially for children.”
— Princess Diana

44. “It’s vital that the monarchy keeps in touch with the people. It’s what I try and do.”
— Princess Diana

45. “I want to walk into a room, be it a hospital for the dying or a hospital for the sick children, and feel that I am needed. I want to do, not just to be.”
— Princess Diana

46. “Whatever ‘in love’ means.”
— Princess Diana

47. “Family is the most important thing in the world.”
— Princess Diana

48. “There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”
— Princess Diana

49. “I’d like to be a queen in people’s hearts but I don’t see myself being queen of this country.”
— Princess Diana

50. “Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.”
— Princess Diana

51. “Any sane person would have left long ago. But I cannot. I have my sons.”
— Princess Diana

52. “I found myself being more and more involved with people who were rejected by society – with drug addicts, alcoholism, battered this, battered that – and I found an affinity there.”
— Princess Diana

53. “I understand people’s suffering, people’s pain, more than you will every know yourself.”
— Princess Diana

54. “One day I’m going to go up in a helicopter and it’ll just blow up. MI5 will do away with me.”
— Princess Diana

55. “I knew that something profound was coming my way and I was just treading water, waiting for it. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know where it was. I didn’t know if it was coming next year or next month. But I knew I was different from my friends in where I was going.”
— Princess Diana

56. “I am all about caring. I have always been like that.”
— Princess Diana

57. “If I am to care for people in hospital I really must know every aspect of their treatment and to understand their suffering.”
— Princess Diana

58. “I was compelled to perform. When I say perform, I was compelled to go out and do my engagements and not let people down and support them and love them. In a way, by being out in public, they supported me although they weren’t aware of just how much healing they were giving me. It carried me through.”
— Princess Diana

59. “You can’t do anything good that you don’t feel in your heart.”
— Princess Diana

60. “I went to the school and put it to William, particularly, that if you find someone you love in life, you must hang onto it, and look after it, and if you were lucky enough to find someone who loved you, then you must protect it.”
— Princess Diana

61. “Don’t call me an icon. I’m just a mother trying to help.”
— Princess Diana

62. “I’m as thick as a plank.”
— Princess Diana

63. “The world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.”
— Princess Diana

64. “I desperately loved my husband and I wanted to share everything together, and I thought that we were a very good team.”
— Princess Diana

65. “I’ve got what my mother’s got – however bloody you are feeling you can put on the most amazing show of happiness.”
— Princess Diana

66. “My God. What’s happened?”
— Princess Diana

67. “Being a princess isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”
— Princess Diana

68. “As always, a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick’s life.”
— Princess Diana

69. “I live for my sons. I would be lost without them.”
— Princess Diana

70. “I’m aware that people I have loved and have died and are in the spirit world looking after me.”
— Princess Diana

71. “Being constantly in the public eye gives me a special responsibility, particularly that of using the impact of photographs to transmit a message, to sensitize the word to an important cause, to defend certain values.”
— Princess Diana

72. “I think like any marriage, especially when you’ve had divorced parents like myself; you want to try even harder to make it work.”
— Princess Diana

73. “I am not a political figure, nor do I want to be one; but I come with my heart.”
— Princess Diana

74. “My first thoughts are that I should not let people down, that I should support them and love them.”
— Princess Diana

75. “I decline to go fox hunting.”
— Princess Diana

76. “I love meeting people and helping them.”
— Princess Diana

77. “Yes, I do touch. I believe that everyone needs that.”
— Princess Diana

78. “Death doesn’t frighten me.”
— Princess Diana

79. “What must it be like for a little boy to read that daddy never loved mummy?”
— Princess Diana

80. “I remember when I used to sit on hospital beds and hold people s hands, people used to be shocked because they d never seen this before. To me it was quite normal.”
— Princess Diana

81. “I’d like people to think of me as someone who cares about them.”
— Princess Diana

82. “The worse illness of our time, is that so many people have to suffer from never being loved.”
— Princess Diana

83. “I don’t even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box.”
— Princess Diana

84. “You see yourself as a good product that sits on a shelf and sells well, and people make a lot of money out of you.”
— Princess Diana

85. “From the first day I joined that family, nothing could be done naturally any more.”
— Princess Diana

86. “All people want to be touched.”
— Princess Diana

87. “The people that I care about are the people out there on the street. I can identify with them.”
— Princess Diana

88. “I always thought Camilla was the perfect love match with Charles.”
— Princess Diana

89. “I want my boys to have an understanding of people’s emotions, their insecurities, people’s distress, and their hopes and dreams.”
— Princess Diana

90. “I adore him I have never been so happy. I have real love.”
— Princess Diana

91. “The public wanted a fairy princess to come and touch them and everything would turn to gold. Little did they realise that the individual is crucifying herself inside because she didn’t think she was good enough.”
— Princess Diana

92. “Princess Diana was a wonderful, caring philanthropist. She would come sometimes into the church and sit at the back and pray.”
— Princess Diana

93. “As for becoming queen, it was never on the forefront of my mind when I married my husband. It was a long way off, that thought.”
— Princess Diana

94. “My husband asked for the separation and I supported it. We had struggled to keep it going, but obviously we’d both run out of steam.”
— Princess Diana

95. “If men had to have babies, they would only ever have one each.”
— Princess Diana

96. “So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them.”
— Princess Diana

97. “I love to hold people’s hands when I visit hospitals, even though they are shocked because they haven’t experienced anything like it before, but to me it is a normal thing to do.”
— Princess Diana

98. “I am never going to get divorced, and that’s that.”
— Princess Diana

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