All Time Famous Smith Wigglesworth Quotes

Smith Wigglesworth (1859–1947) was an influential British evangelist and a key figure in the early 20th-century Pentecostal movement. Born in Yorkshire, England, he worked as a plumber before becoming renowned for his dynamic preaching and miraculous healing ministry. Wigglesworth emphasized the power of the Holy Spirit and exhibited boldness in his approach. His ministry, marked by reported healings, deliverances, and even raising the dead, garnered recognition worldwide. He played a significant role in the early Pentecostal movement, associating with leaders like Charles Parham and William Seymour. Despite varying perspectives on his legacy, Wigglesworth continues to inspire many within Pentecostal and charismatic Christian circles.

Smith Wigglesworth Quotes

1. “If you seek nothing but the will of God, He will always put you in the right place at the right time.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

2. “God does not call those who are equipped, He equips those whom He has called.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

3. “I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved by what I believe.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

4. “I don’t often spend more than half an hour in prayer at one time, but I never go more than half an hour without praying.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

5. “There is nothing impossible with God. All the impossibility is with us when we measure God by the limitations of our unbelief.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

6. “There are four principles we need to maintain: First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third, believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

7. “Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

8. “All things are possible, only believe.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

9. “The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

10. “A man is in a great place when he has no one to turn to but God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

11. “To hunger and thirst after righteousness is when nothing in the world can fascinate us so much as being near God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

12. “God has chosen us to help one another.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

13. “Enter into the promises of God. It is your inheritance. You will do more in one year if you are really filled with the Holy Ghost than you could do in fifty years apart from Him.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

14. “The Word of God will bring you into a wonderful place of rest in faith.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

15. “I find nothing in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness. Therefore, if I live in the world, I will become worldly; on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I will become holy.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

16. “Some people read their Bibles in Hebrew, some in Greek; I like to read mine in the Holy Ghost.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

17. “There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

18. “Live in the Acts of the Apostles, and every day you will see some miracle worked by the power of the living God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

19. “There is nothing that our God cannot do. He will do everything if you will dare to believe.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

20. “When we come to the place of impossibilities, it is the grandest place for us to see the possibilities of God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

21. “Desire God, and you will have desires from God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

22. “I’d rather die believing than live doubting.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

23. “Nothing in the world glorifies God so much as simple rest of faith in what God’s Word says.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

24. “A prayer without faith is without accomplishment.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

25. “God wants His people to be ablaze with Holy Ghost activity.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

26. “If the spirit does not move me, I move the Spirit.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

27. “I’m a thousand times bigger on the inside than I am on the outside.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

28. “God is more eager to answer than we are to ask.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

29. “If I read the newspaper I come out dirtier than I went in. If I read my Bible, I come out cleaner than I went in, and I like being clean!”
— Smith Wigglesworth

30. “God can so fill a man with His Spirit that he can laugh and believe in the face of a thousand difficulties.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

31. “To the man of faith, there is not a thing that is not opportunity.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

32. “Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

33. “You have to bring your mind to the Word of God and not try to bring the Word of God to your mind.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

34. “Before God could bring me to this place He has broken me a thousand times.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

35. “Real faith has perfect peace and joy and a shout at any time. It always sees the victory.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

36. “I can get more out of God by believing Him for one minute than by shouting at Him all night.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

37. “You must come to see how wonderful you are in God and how helpless you are in yourself.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

38. “If you are in the same place today as you were yesterday, you are a backslider.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

39. “God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be ordinary and live on a lower plane can do so, but as for me, I will not.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

40. “Dare to believe, and then dare to speak, and you shall have whatsoever you say if you doubt not.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

41. “The plan of God for your life is that you should be held captive by His power, doing that which you in the natural world would never do, but that which you are forced to do by the power of the Holy Ghost moving through you.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

42. “There are two kinds of faith. There is the natural faith. But the supernatural faith is the gift of God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

43. “The living Word is able to destroy Satanic forces.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

44. “The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes of the things of Christ and shows them to us, and prepares us to be more than a match for Satanic forces.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

45. “Wherever the Holy Ghost has right of way, the gifts of the Spirit will be in manifestation; and where these gifts are never in manifestation, I question whether He is present.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

46. “Fear looks; faith jumps. Faith never fails to obtain its object. If I leave you as I found you, I am not God’s channel. I am not here to entertain you, but to get you to the place where you can laugh at the impossible.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

47. “When the saint ceases to seek after holiness, purity, righteousness, truth; when he ceases to pray, stops reading the Word and gives way to carnal appetites, then it is that Satan comes.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

48. “I never get out of bed in the morning without having communion with God in the Spirit.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

49. “The devil knows if he can capture your thought life he has won a mighty victory over you.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

50. “God never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

51. “How great is the position of the man who is born of God, born of purity, born of faith, born of life, born of power!”
— Smith Wigglesworth

52. “There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Ghost, reigns supreme in our lives.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

53. “Pentecost came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, a violent blast from heaven! Heaven has not exhausted its blasts, but our danger is we are getting frightened of them.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

54. “In me is working a power stronger than every other power. The life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

55. “When faith lays hold, impossibilities must yield.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

56. “God wants us so badly that he has made the condition as simple as he possibly could: Only believe.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

57. “Praise is God’s sunlight in the heart. It destroys sin germs. It ripens the fruits of the Spirit. It is the oil of gladness that lubricates life’s activities.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

58. “Believe that when you come into the presence of God you can have all you came for. You can take it away, and you can use it, for all the power of God is at your disposal in response to your faith.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

59. “There are boundless possibilities for us if we dare to act in God and dare to believe!”
— Smith Wigglesworth

60. “Life comes after you have been filled with the Holy Ghost, get down and pray for power.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

61. “The man who is going through with God to be used in healing must be a man of longsuffering.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

62. “It is better to live ready than to get ready!”
— Smith Wigglesworth

63. “Perfect love will never want the preeminence in everything, it will never want to take the place of another, it will always be willing to take the back seat.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

64. “Whatever God has done for other men, He can do for me.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

65. “One man in a meeting, filled with unbelief, can make a place for the devil to have a seat.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

66. “Desire toward God and you will have desires from God and He will meet you on the line of those desires when you reach out in simple faith.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

67. “To live two days in succession on the same spiritual plane is a tragedy.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

68. “The devil will endeavor to fascinate through the eyes and through the mind.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

69. “There is no limit to what our limitless God will do in response to a limitless faith.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

70. “There is a fruit of the Spirit that must accompany the gift of healing and that is longsuffering.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

71. “God’s canopy is over you and will cover you at all times, preserving you from evil.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

72. “You must be yielded to the Word of God. The Word will work out love in our hearts, and when practical love is in our hearts, there is no room to boast about ourselves. We see ourselves as nothing when we get lost in this divine love.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

73. “The moment a man falls into sin, divine life ceases to flow, and his life becomes one of helplessness.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

74. “It is impossible to overestimate the importance of being filled with the Spirit.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

75. “There are two sides to this Baptism: The first is, you possess the Spirit; The second is that the Spirit possesses you.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

76. “I refuse to be an ordinary man. You say, “Why do you?” Because I have an extraordinary God who makes extraordinary people.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

77. “How can one come to possess great faith? Now listen, here is the answer to that: First, the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. Faith must grow by soil, moisture, and exercise.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

78. “It pays to trust God with all and to make no reservation.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

79. “There is power to overcome everything in the world through the name of Jesus.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

80. “Divine life is full of divine appointment and equipping, and you cannot be filled with the power of God without a manifestation. It is my prayer that we would understand that to be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with manifestation, the glory of the Lord being in the midst of us, manifesting His divine power.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

81. “Great faith is the product of great fights.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

82. “God longs intensively for unhindered communication and total response between him and the believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

83. “Real faith built the ark, but real faith did not shut the door. God did that. He does what you cannot do.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

84. “Two things will get you to leap out of yourselves into the promises of God today. One is purity, and the other is FAITH, which is kindled more and more BY PURITY.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

85. “I believe that there is only one way to all the treasures of God, and that is the way of faith. By faith and faith alone do we enter into a knowledge of the attributes and become partakers of the beatitudes, and participate in the glories of our ascended Lord. All His promises are Yea and Amen to them that believe.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

86. “The Lord would so cleanse the motive and desires of our hearts that we will seek but one thing only, and that is, His glory.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

87. “I am satisfied with the dissatisfaction that never rests until it is satisfied and satisfied again.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

88. “It is one to say you have faith and another to be in a tight corner and prove it.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

89. “The heart is the mainspring.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

90. “When the Holy Spirit comes, He will reveal things to you. Has He revealed them yet? He is going to do it. Just expect Him to do so. The best thing for you is to expect Him to do it now.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

91. “The Holy Spirit is coming to take out of the world a church that is a perfect bride. He must find in us perfect yieldedness, with every desire subjected to Him.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

92. “I am never happier in the Lord than when I am in a bedroom with a sick person.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

93. “My heavenly bank, my heavenly bank, The house of God’s treasure and store. I have plenty in here; I’m a real millionaire.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

94. “People could be built far greater in the Lord and be more wonderfully established if they would move out sometimes and think over the graces of the Lord.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

95. “Thought for today: When the Holy Spirit comes into your body, He comes to unveil the King, to assure you of His presence.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

96. “The blood of Jesus Christ and His mighty name are an antidote to all the subtle seeds of unbelief that Satan would sow in your minds.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

97. “I am not moved by what I see. I am moved only by what I believe. I know this-no man looks at appearances if he believes. No man considers how he feels if he believes. The man who believes God has it.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

98. “Thought for today: We are saved, called with a holy calling-called to be saints, holy, pure, Godlike, sons with power.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

99. “Beloved, now we are children of God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

100. “You are in the right position when you allow the glory of the new life to cause you to act. Live in the Acts of the Apostles, and every day you will see some miracle worked by the power of the living God.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

101. “There is no such thing as the Lord not meeting your need. There are no “if’s” or “mar’s” ; His promises are all “shah’s.” All things are possible to him that believeth. Oh, the name of Jesus! There is power in that name to meet every condition of human need.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

102. “A preacher should not land at a place and say that God had sent him. I am always fearful when I hear a man advertising this. If he is sent of God, the saints will know it.”
— Smith Wigglesworth

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