All Time Famous Xaviera Hollander Quotes

Xaviera Hollander Quotes

Xaviera Hollander, born on June 15, 1943, in Surabaya, Indonesia, is a former Dutch call girl, madam, and author best known for her 1971 memoir “The Happy Hooker: My Own Story.” In the book, she candidly recounts her experiences in the sex industry, providing explicit details about her life and relationships. The memoir became a bestseller and was adapted into a film in 1975. Hollander continued to be an author, columnist, and public speaker, addressing topics related to sexuality and relationships. While her work has been praised for its openness, it has also faced criticism. Hollander remains a prominent figure in discussions about sex work, offering a unique perspective on the adult entertainment industry.

Xaviera Hollander Quotes

1. “You just can’t be good in bed anymore. You have to be good at the keyboard too.”
— Xaviera Hollander

2. “When the stocks go up, the cocks go up!”
— Xaviera Hollander

3. “I have only hated men at those moments when I realized that I was doing all the giving and they the taking. At least when I was a prostitute, it was all honest and upfront.”
— Xaviera Hollander

4. “I might not be a psychiatrist, but I am convinced that sex is not as important as we tend to make it. First there is that little feeling, that little red flame, called love. Blow on the flame and make it get bigger like a fire, don’t blow it out like a candle.”
— Xaviera Hollander

5. “You can call me mercenary, or call me madam, but, as I always tell my customers – just call me anytime!”
— Xaviera Hollander

6. “In America you can get away with murder, but not with sex.”
— Xaviera Hollander

7. “Something is wrong here: sex has been with us since the human race began its existence, yet I would estimate that 90 percent of human beings still suffer enormous inhibitions in this area.”
— Xaviera Hollander

8. “My method is basically the same as Masters and Johnson, only they charge thousands of dollars and it’s called therapy. I charge fifty dollars and it’s called prostitution.”
— Xaviera Hollander

9. “My Pleasure is my business.”
— Xaviera Hollander

10. “Actually, if my business was legitimate, I would deduct a substantial percentage for depreciation of my body.”
— Xaviera Hollander

11. “The world wants to be cheated. So cheat.”
— Xaviera Hollander

12. “A freak is basically anyone who needs fantasy, degradation, or punishment in order to achieve his interpretation of erotic gratification.”
— Xaviera Hollander

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