All Time Famous Yael Naim Quotes

Yael Naim Quotes

Yael Naïm is an Israeli-French singer and songwriter, born on February 6, 1978, in Paris, France. She gained international recognition with her hit song “New Soul,” which was featured in a popular Apple MacBook Air commercial in 2008. The song’s success propelled her to global fame, and she subsequently released several albums showcasing her unique blend of folk, pop, and indie music.

Yael Naïm’s music often features her soulful vocals, poetic lyrics, and a mix of different musical influences. Some of her notable albums include “Yael Naïm” (2007), “She Was a Boy” (2010), and “Older” (2015). Her work has received critical acclaim for its creativity and emotional depth.

Beyond her solo career, Yael Naïm has collaborated with various artists and has contributed to soundtracks for films and TV shows. She continues to be an influential figure in the music industry, captivating audiences with her distinctive style and artistic expression.

Yael Naim Quotes

1. “Songs are a way to express what I have felt. A way to understand what happened to me or to other people.”
— Yael Naim

2. “When I write in Hebrew, I don’t look for sophistication in music; it’s just pure emotion that comes out.”
— Yael Naim

3. “I thought I was an old soul, and that I knew life, but then starting the real life, I figured I am completely new.”
— Yael Naim

4. “Today, computers help us making the music. Its really a tool.”
— Yael Naim

5. “I like to sing covers of songs that are at the extreme ends from what I usually listen to.”
— Yael Naim

6. “In France, I found there is a lot of attention to the little details and to the quality of life.”
— Yael Naim

7. “I remember there was a little organ which I’d tap my fingers on all the time. My interest in the instrument was so obvious, one day I got home from school and there was a real piano in my bedroom.”
— Yael Naim

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