All Time Famous Yael Stone Quotes

Yael Stone Quotes

Yael Stone is an Australian actress, best known for her role as Lorna Morello in the popular Netflix series “Orange Is the New Black.” She was born on March 6, 1985, in Sydney, Australia. Yael Stone has garnered praise for her performance in “Orange Is the New Black,” where she portrayed an inmate with a complex and often dramatic storyline.

In addition to her work on “Orange Is the New Black,” Yael Stone has been involved in various film, television, and theater projects in Australia. She has received several award nominations for her acting, showcasing her talent and versatility in the entertainment industry.

Yael Stone Quotes

1. “One thing that is not to be underestimated is American culture’s influence on the rest of the world.”
— Yael Stone

2. “Prison makes an interesting context for so many different characters to come together. You get to see what lines get drawn between people.”
— Yael Stone

3. “It’s really interesting working in television as opposed to the theater, where you know the arc of the character and you are able to create this whole backstory.”
— Yael Stone

4. “In Australia, kids play in American accents.”
— Yael Stone

5. “I’ve definitely had those moments when I think a relationship with somebody is one way, and then it just flips.”
— Yael Stone

6. “Australia has a very big history of incarceration. What does that mean to us? What does it mean that we came over to a country that’s not necessarily ours and filled it with white prisoners?”
— Yael Stone

7. “Family hang-outs can go very late into the night and involve lots of music.”
— Yael Stone

8. “I never want to be anywhere else than in the rehearsal room. I mean, it’s so lame to say, but it makes me supremely happy to work with people and to talk and invent and laugh.”
— Yael Stone

9. “My working history as an actor is definitely in the theatre; it certainly was in Australia.”
— Yael Stone

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