All Time Famous Yakir Aharonov Quotes

Yakir Aharonov Quotes

Yakir Aharonov is an Israeli physicist born on August 28, 1932. He is known for his significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics and quantum physics. Aharonov has made pioneering advancements in understanding the foundations of quantum theory and has worked on various aspects of theoretical physics.

One of his most famous contributions is the Aharonov-Bohm effect, which he developed with David Bohm in 1959. This effect demonstrates that the electromagnetic potential, despite being gauge-dependent, can have physical effects on charged particles even in regions where the magnetic field is zero. The Aharonov-Bohm effect has had important implications for the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Yakir Aharonov has received numerous awards and honors for his work, including the National Medal of Science in 2009. He has also been a professor at several institutions, including Tel Aviv University, where he served as the James J. Farley Professor of Natural Philosophy. Aharonov’s work continues to influence the field of quantum physics, and he is widely regarded as one of the leading figures in the study of quantum mechanics.

Yakir Aharonov Quotes

1. “In Hilbert space no one can hear you scream.”
— Yakir Aharonov

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