All Time Famous Yakubu Gowon Quotes

Yakubu Gowon Quotes

Yakubu Gowon, born on October 19, 1934, was Nigeria’s head of state from 1966 to 1975. He led during the Nigerian Civil War, focusing on national reconciliation post-conflict with the “Three Rs” policy. Overthrown in a 1975 coup, he went into exile. Despite challenges, Gowon is credited for preserving Nigeria’s unity. After leaving office, he engaged in international activities and peace initiatives.

Yakubu Gowon Quotes

1. “The trouble with military rule is that every colonel or general is soon full of ambition. The Navy takes over today and the army tomorrow.”
— Yakubu Gowon

2. “The Igbos, when they are returned to the fold, must be given their rightful place and as a people who have been misguided and misled by their leaders, the rest of us have a duty to bind their wounds and give them our right hand of fellowship.”
— Yakubu Gowon

3. “One of the challenges of the future is the extent to which our Universities can meet the needs and aspirations of the society which they are established to serve, without in any way compromising the autonomy that is so essential for a healthy academic atmosphere.”
— Yakubu Gowon

4. “I am painfully aware that many citizens of all walks of life who are sincere patriots-are becoming concerned about the length of time it is taking to crush the rebellion in our country. We have one and only one aim in prosecut­ing this war: it is to ensure that coming generations will live in a happier and more stable country. Let us accept our present difficulties as the price we have been called upon to pay in order to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for our children.”
— Yakubu Gowon

5. “In spite of Ojukwu’s wicked propaganda, religion has never been a cause of conflict in Nigeria and it is my fervent hope that all Catholics, Moslems, and Protestants will continue to work and live together in harmony.”
— Yakubu Gowon

6. “Foreign meddlers have been doing their very best under various pretexts to prolong our crisis. They place every possible obstacle in the way of peace and support rebel propaganda and intransigence. They will surely fail. I do believe that the end is in sight and that we will be able to settle down soon and concentrate on the task of national reconciliation and reconstruction.”
— Yakubu Gowon

7. “The Worth of a child born and bred in Nigeria cannot be compared to that in the United States.”
— Yakubu Gowon

8. “We fought the war with great caution, not in anger or hatred, but always in the hope that common sense would prevail. Many times we sought a negotiated settlement, not out of weakness, but in order to minimize the problems of reintegration, reconciliation, and reconstruction.”
— Yakubu Gowon

9. “The world knows how hard we strove to avoid the civil war. Our objectives in fighting the war to crush Ojukwu’s rebellion were always clear. We desired to preserve the territorial integrity and unity of Nigeria.”
— Yakubu Gowon

10. “It is my hope that our students will continue to be restrained and sober, concentrating more on what they can contribute to the development of their country. They have a rare opportunity that they should utilize to the fullest.”
— Yakubu Gowon

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