Yamini Krishnamurthy Quotes

All Time Famous Yamini Krishnamurthy Quotes

Mungara Yamini Krishnamurthy is an Indian dancer of Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi styles of dancing.

Yamini Krishnamurthy Quotes

1. “A dance performance is rather like going out into a battlefield. You have to hold the attention of as many as five to 10,000 people a lot of whom do not follow your language.”
— Yamini Krishnamurthy

2. “A dancer must have a tremendous personality. A God like Christ and even a godman like Rajneesh had some personality. A combination of talent, dedication, creativity, and being emotive is imperative. A coupling of these four qualities with technique is essential. Monotony is a deterrent as it regards your style and I notice today, that new dancers perform in a startlingly similar fashion.”
— Yamini Krishnamurthy