All Time Famous Zoe Lister-Jones Quotes

Zoe Lister-Jones is a talented actress, filmmaker, writer, and producer. She’s known for her work in both film and television. She starred in the TV series “Life in Pieces” and appeared in movies like “Band Aid” and “The Craft: Legacy. As a filmmaker, Zoe Lister-Jones made her directorial debut with the film “Band Aid,” where she not only directed but also wrote and starred in the movie. She’s recognized for her efforts in creating opportunities for female representation both in front of and behind the camera. Lister-Jones is an advocate for inclusivity and equality in the film industry, often using her platform to address gender and diversity issues. She’s known for her commitment to storytelling that reflects diverse experiences and perspectives.

Zoe Lister-Jones Quotes

1. “I guess actors are very sensitive people. We’re porous.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

2. “Writing becomes a really good creative outlet when you’re sitting there and feeling creatively frustrated or stilted, but also you then get to write parts for yourself.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

3. “At this moment, glyphosate is the biggest threat. And because of its overuse, we are seeing the emergence of superweeds, which have grown resistant to glyphosate. This has led to biotech corporations developing even more toxic herbicides, including 2,4-D, one of the main components of Agent Orange.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

4. “I’m everything free. I’m gluten-free. I’m dairy-free. I’m sugar-free. Sometimes I’m yeast-free which really means I eat paper.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

5. “In my view, relationship movies never get old because humanity will never not be confounded by their relationships.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

6. “I love a good massage, and they gotta go deep.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

7. “I’m a big lipstick girl- I’m old school that way.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

8. “I think the dangers of the impact of GMOs on the environment are undebatable. Genetically modified crops are tied to the chemicals sprayed on them.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

9. “Nobody’s life is wrapped up neatly in a bow.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

10. “The secret to a long-lasting relationship is perpetually imagining the worst. It’s a world view tracing back to my Eastern European ancestry and one I draw upon regularly.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

11. “My mom’s a great cook but I wasn’t really allowed a lot of sugar or junk. That has served me well in my life.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

12. “I’m a health-food junkie, so all of my food is a splurge, money-wise!”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

13. “I do think it’s important to be honest about your feelings in a long term relationship because it’s totally human to be attracted to other people. It’s just about what you do about that attraction.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

14. “I love ‘Husbands and Wives,’ Woody Allen’s movie. It’s like one of my all-time favorites. I could watch it over and over again.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

15. “For the most part, for me and my friends, there’s always an emotional attachment that clouds women’s judgment.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

16. “I spent my teens and early 20s shopping almost exclusively at thrift stores.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

17. “Because GMOs aren’t labeled, it’s very hard to prove causality in terms of health effects. It’s even more difficult because the seeds are patented, so independent researchers have a hard time gaining access to them.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

18. “Most single women have been in that situation where there is a silent guy in your group. You don’t see him as boyfriend material. He’s just there, but you know all the same people.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

19. “For any couple, once you delve into the idea of non-monogamy, you’re entering pretty frightening territory.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

20. “I think all our characters are an amalgam of people we know in our world and ourselves.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

21. “We are very puritan in America. We still hold true to these really antiquated values, this idea of the sanctity of marriage.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

22. “There are emotional ties to family that are connected to the sexual experience for women that are very different than men which does make it harder for women to date and not get hurt.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

23. “You always have to lie. I’ve been in plays that people don’t enjoy and I pray that they lie to my face when I come outside.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

24. “Being a single woman is like going off to war.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

25. “I doubt I’m more secure than Meryl Streep. I guess actors just never feel secure.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

26. “As consumers, we can buy organic and non-GMO verified products, so look out for those labels when shopping!”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

27. “My parents have always been very open.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

28. “There are a lot of great organizations who are fighting for food and environmental safety in this country. The Environmental Working Group, Just Label It, Food Democracy Now, and the Center for Food Safety, to name a few.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

29. “There’s no shame in owning a New Kids on the Block t-shirt. They were my first concert when I was eight.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

30. “In most movies there is a Prince Charming who rides up and saves the girl.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

31. “Most actors and actresses are performative as people. It goes part and parcel with the profession and New York actors who are out of work, or actors anywhere out of work, are manic because you never know when the next job is going to come.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

32. “It’s human nature to want to be with other people.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

33. “Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say, ‘He’s very odd, but he likes to cook. He’s creepy, but he makes good pancakes!’”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

34. “I always loved writing as a tool of expression.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

35. “I’ve been an audience member for friends in plays that I don’t enjoy and I have to lie to their faces. It’s just part of that lifestyle unfortunately, especially in New York.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

36. “I grew up in a financially insecure place because I knew that my parents were following their dreams which has pros and cons. It was actually my mom who encouraged me to go to acting school because I was really afraid to put all my eggs in that basket.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

37. “See, I will always shop, and that’s sort of a problem. Clothes are always exploding out of my closet!”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

38. “As artists, it’s really important to take time to see what.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

39. “I think women are really self-analytical in a way that men aren’t.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

40. “I have a hard time waiting for things to happen.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

41. “I try to make a lot of time for friends and family because I think that’s really important and for pleasurable experiences.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

42. “I think Girls is pretty brilliant.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

43. “I come from a long line of women who like shoes to a fault.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

44. “Most actors and actresses are performative as people.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

45. “Theater is a really exciting place to return to all the time because it’s incredible training for an actor.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

46. “I think a big misconception about GMOs is that there is a scientific consensus on their safety.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

47. “I was never shielded from the realities of what it meant to be an artist and that made me afraid to be an artist because I wanted to know that my life was secure.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

48. “I’ve always been a writer, and in high school, I was the editor of my school newspaper and I got a writing scholarship. It’s always been a passion of mine.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

49. “It’s always fun to play characters that are different from me.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

50. “There are certain women who are sexually driven and they can compartmentalize it from an emotional attachment.”
— Zoe Lister-Jones

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