All Time Famous Zoe McLellan Quotes

Zoe McLellan Quotes

Zoe McLellan is an actress known for her roles in various television shows. She has appeared in series such as “JAG,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” and “NCIS: New Orleans.” McLellan has showcased her talent across different genres, earning recognition for her performances in both drama and procedural crime shows.

Zoe McLellan Quotes

1. “When I travel, there are no rules with my diet. I eat whatever looks good, but in small portions. Food is such a rich part of the travel experience. There is no way I would cut that out!”
— Zoe McLellan

2. “I remember my very first audition for a film. I was in Seattle. They were taping the session, and I just went crazy. The director finally said, ‘Zoe, what are you doing? The camera’s right here. Just talk to me.’ And it took that director saying that to me to change everything.”
— Zoe McLellan

3. “I came to L.A. with confidence in my craft, and I was very offended when I didn’t get a part. It took me awhile to understand that it is not always about your acting.”
— Zoe McLellan

4. “I loved ‘Dirty Sexy Money.’ That didn’t have a long enough shelf life. I would’ve liked to explore that character and play with that cast longer. That was a lot of fun to shoot.”
— Zoe McLellan

5. “We can quiet our minds enough to tune in to what our bodies are telling us – I believe in angels – and we need to listen to the messages being sent. They are real messages – just as real as a human saying something to you.”
— Zoe McLellan

6. “I don’t necessarily call myself a psychic, but since I was a little girl, I would dream about things, and then I would tell my dad, and it would happen the next day.”
— Zoe McLellan

7. “As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach – great memories!”
— Zoe McLellan

8. “First acting gig was playing a victim in ‘America’s Most Wanted.’ The night the show aired, they caught the killer!”
— Zoe McLellan

9. “I lived in New York City for a while and miss it like it’s a person. Although I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I’m a New Yorker at heart. A stroll through Central Park, a visit to the MET, a show on Broadway. There is no other city like it in the world!”
— Zoe McLellan

10. “Growing up in Seattle, I had the opportunity to take classes since I was 7 years old. I did theatre. I auditioned for film, television, commercials, and built up not just a resume but also some confidence. I learned how to master my craft before arriving in Los Angeles.”
— Zoe McLellan

11. “One of the most precious parts of acting is the work before you show up on the set, the time you spend being with your character before you bring that character to life. To me, that’s the most rewarding part of it all. It feels very good to show up on a set just knowing that’s with you.”
— Zoe McLellan

12. “I want to do a romantic comedy. Like a ‘When Harry Met Sally’ romantic comedy… A really sweet, show-my-vulnerability kind of role.”
— Zoe McLellan

13. “I’m a big fan of Katy Perry.”
— Zoe McLellan

14. “I dream in numbers, and I like to look up the meaning of numbers, and numbers stick out to me.”
— Zoe McLellan

15. “I’m a big fan of a great glass of red wine and a delicious bowl of pasta made from scratch.”
— Zoe McLellan

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