All Time Famous Zoe Sugg Quotes

Zoe Sugg, known online as Zoella, is a popular British YouTuber, vlogger, and author. She gained fame initially through her fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog, which later evolved into her YouTube channel. Zoe’s channel covers a variety of topics, including beauty hauls, makeup tutorials, lifestyle vlogs, and advice videos. She’s also an accomplished author, having written books such as “Girl Online” and “Cordially Invited.” Zoe’s influence extends beyond YouTube, and she’s been recognized for her impact on the digital and beauty industries.

Zoe Sugg Quotes

1. “There are times I turn off my Wi-Fi, and I’m selective about what I want to share with the world now.”
— Zoe Sugg

2. “Everyone needs help when they try something new.”
— Zoe Sugg

3. “For the doubters out there, of course I was going to have help from Penguin’s editorial team in telling my story, which I talked about from the beginning.”
— Zoe Sugg

4. “There isn’t any amount of money that could tempt me to promote something that I didn’t believe in.”
— Zoe Sugg

5. “Who knows what will happen in five years’ time.”
— Zoe Sugg

6. “I know that I do have influence over the people who watch me, and it’s quite a pressure. I have to stay positive, and while I would never use the words ‘role model’, I am mindful of the responsibilities that come with a substantial viewership.”
— Zoe Sugg

7. “Sharing is the essence of social media.”
— Zoe Sugg

8. “I’m a total people pleaser.”
— Zoe Sugg

9. “I could never let the teacher down. I always worked hard, too scared to get in trouble.”
— Zoe Sugg

10. “The story and the characters of ‘Girl Online’ are mine.”
— Zoe Sugg

11. “When life catches up with us, we all need space to dream and indulge, so I have created my own special range of bath & beauty loveliness to help you find your happy place.”
— Zoe Sugg

12. “When I got a million subscribers, it just sort of snowballed from there because a lot more people show interest. They’re like, ‘Who’s this? They’ve got a million subscribers; maybe I’ll like their channel.’”
— Zoe Sugg

13. “People follow me because I am just a normal person, and they can relate to me.”
— Zoe Sugg

14. “As a 14-year-old with anxiety, to have read about that in a book would have helped me so much.”
— Zoe Sugg

15. “I don’t like standing and talking in front of lots of people.”
— Zoe Sugg

16. “My life is not perfect.”
— Zoe Sugg

17. “I still love my little home on YouTube, really.”
— Zoe Sugg

18. “When you’re younger, you worry about so many things that you don’t need to worry about, like image, appearance.”
— Zoe Sugg

19. “I get notes posted on my windscreen wipers and through my letterbox.”
— Zoe Sugg

20. “It’s always nice to have more than just two hands if you’re making cakes.”
— Zoe Sugg

21. “I’m not as tech savvy as some YouTubers, but I’m a lot better than my grandparents. Whenever I have a technical question, or something isn’t working, I ask Google, and that usually throws up the answer.”
— Zoe Sugg

22. “Since I could read, I always had my nose in a book.”
— Zoe Sugg

23. “I love watching other beauty girls on YouTube, so I get a lot of ideas through their videos. I also get plenty of requests from viewers, which is great. I can never run out of ideas!”
— Zoe Sugg

24. “I love to do a messy top knot because it’s so easy but looks like it could have taken a bit of effort!”
— Zoe Sugg

25. “A girl can never have too many lipstick options!”
— Zoe Sugg

26. “It’s so hard not to smile.”
— Zoe Sugg

27. “Nine per cent of my viewers are men, of which the majority is, I think, 45 to 50. I like to tell myself it’s just my dad watching.”
— Zoe Sugg

28. “It’s good for me to do things outside my comfort zone and push myself.”
— Zoe Sugg

29. “I’m so grateful to everyone who has bought a copy of ‘Girl Online.’ I love that so many of my viewers are enjoying the book.”
— Zoe Sugg

30. “After I left school, where I studied art, photography and textiles at A-level, I started doing an apprenticeship in interior design, but I wasn’t really enjoying it very much, so I decided to do something creative, and in 2009, I began blogging.”
— Zoe Sugg

31. “I have an incredibly high metabolism.”
— Zoe Sugg

32. “People say they like my fashion-haul videos because it’s like you’ve been shopping with your friends, and you look back over what you have bought.”
— Zoe Sugg

33. “I know just how isolating it can feel to experience severe anxiety.”
— Zoe Sugg

34. “’Bake Off’ is one of my favourite programmes, so I was genuinely a little bit shocked and very excited when I was asked to take part.”
— Zoe Sugg

35. “I don’t know, the word ‘famous’ just sounds really weird to me, because I’m just me.”
— Zoe Sugg

36. “I don’t really know how to work a camera.”
— Zoe Sugg

37. “I do have some viewers who know where I live, and they’ll stand outside.”
— Zoe Sugg

38. “If you’re having fun being yourself and filming something that you would watch yourself, it becomes contagious for other people to watch, too.”
— Zoe Sugg

39. “I think I need security.”
— Zoe Sugg

40. “I’m not the biggest Miley Cyrus fan. I’m not the risque type.”
— Zoe Sugg

41. “I think a lot more people are starting to understand the power of YouTube.”
— Zoe Sugg

42. “Sometimes I feel it would be nice to have a bit more privacy.”
— Zoe Sugg

43. “I’ll post a video, and it might get 10,000 comments, and I’ll scroll through and they’ll all be lovely and nice – but then they’ll be one saying, ‘I hate you; I’m unsubscribing’ and that’s the one that sticks out and stays on your mind all day.”
— Zoe Sugg

44. “I’d always loved watching YouTube videos, and that’s what inspired me to make them myself. Initially I was drawn to makeup tutorials – I learned everything I know about makeup from YouTube.”
— Zoe Sugg

45. “The joy of YouTube is that you can create content about anything you feel passionate about, however silly the subject matter.”
— Zoe Sugg

46. “People send me fan-mail in the post, and I keep every letter, and I always say I will read every single one. It might take me years and years, but I’ll do it. Your audience are what makes you, so you have give as much back as you can.”
— Zoe Sugg

47. “As cheesy as it sounds, nothing beats a smile and a bit of confidence! As long as you feel good on the inside, you can still look beautiful without any makeup at all.”
— Zoe Sugg

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