All Time Famous Zong Qinghou Quotes

Zong Qinghou Quotes

Zong Qinghou is a prominent Chinese entrepreneur and the founder of the Hangzhou Wahaha Group, one of the largest beverage companies in China. He’s known for his success in building Wahaha into a major player in the Chinese beverage market. Zong Qinghou’s story is often cited as an example of the entrepreneurial spirit in China and his business acumen has garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally.

Zong Qinghou Quotes

1. “If the nation is rich but people are poor, the country cannot be strong, and society will be unstable.”
— Zong Qinghou

2. “For a long time, I couldn’t even afford food and clothing. I climbed from the very bottom of the society.”
— Zong Qinghou

3. “People who get rich early should help the rest get rich.”
— Zong Qinghou

4. “I believe wealth should be in the hands of those who know how to create more wealth.”
— Zong Qinghou

5. “When you are poor, you’ll have to think of ways to be better off.”
— Zong Qinghou

6. “We don’t need to solve the problem of the rich-poor gap. We need to solve the problem of common prosperity.”
— Zong Qinghou

7. “The U.S. and European markets have become mature, profit margins are lower, and equipment isn’t so new. Because profits are relatively low, it limits the willingness of companies to invest in newer equipment.”
— Zong Qinghou

8. “Many people find themselves with illness as they become successful: higher blood pressure and diabetes.”
— Zong Qinghou

9. “In China, you have to have a strong leader for a business to get anything done.”
— Zong Qinghou

10. “We are working to understand the tastes of people born in the 1980s and 1990s – it is very different from my generation. We do our own research. Marketing research companies, I think, are relatively academic.”
— Zong Qinghou

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