All Time Famous Zsuzsanna Budapest Quotes

Zsuzsanna Budapest Quotes

Zsuzsanna Budapest is a Hungarian-born author, activist, and influential figure in the neopagan movement, particularly known for her work in Dianic Wicca. She’s recognized for founding the Susan B. Anthony Coven No. 1 in the United States, one of the first feminist Wiccan groups. Budapest’s teachings often focus on women’s spirituality, empowerment, and reclaiming ancient goddess traditions. She’s written several books, including “The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries” and “Grandmother Moon.” Her contributions have had a significant impact on feminist spirituality and the exploration of goddess-centered practices within modern Wicca.

Zsuzsanna Budapest Quotes

1. “The Goddess is Alive. Magic is afoot.”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

2. “The purpose of ritual is to wake up the old mind in us, to put it to work. The old ones inside us, the collective unconscious, the many lives, the divine eternal parts, the senses, and parts of the brain that have been ignored. ”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

3. “Casting a spell, in self-defense or in self-interest is not selfish, but positive, life-affirming. You have been given powers, the very same powers that society devalues… What if it comes back tenfold? Well, don’t be a fool. Never use your magic to attack the innocent. Then you have nothing to fear… Don’t be frivolous or cowardly. If your course is righteous, and your tools ready, go to it. ”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

4. “Mythology is the mother of religions and grandmother of history.”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

5. “Religion controls inner space; inner space controls outer space.”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

6. “Pleasure is a manifestation of self-re-creation. Pleasure is worship because it replenishes the soul.”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

7. “Every new social structure strives to come up with some kind of mythology of divine origin for its values and aims.”
— Zsuzsanna Budapest

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