All Time Famous Zubin Mehta Quotes

Zubin Mehta Quotes

Zubin Mehta is a globally renowned conductor, celebrated for his leadership with numerous prestigious orchestras worldwide. Born on April 29, 1936, in Mumbai, India, Mehta was born into a musical family; his father was a violinist and founding conductor of the Bombay Symphony Orchestra. Mehta’s career took off when he won the Liverpool International Conducting Competition in 1958, leading to his debut with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. From there, his trajectory soared, and he became the music director of several prominent orchestras, leaving an indelible mark on the classical music world.

Los Angeles Philharmonic: Mehta served as music director from 1962 to 1978, making him the youngest-ever music director of a major American orchestra at the time of his appointment.

New York Philharmonic: He became the music director in 1978 and served until 1991, further solidifying his reputation as a top-tier conductor.

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Mehta has a deep connection with this orchestra, becoming its music advisor in 1969 and its music director in 1977, a role he held until 2019.

Throughout his career, Zubin Mehta has conducted numerous operas and orchestras around the world, earning accolades, awards, and a reputation for his passion, precision, and dedication to the art of conducting. His musical interpretations, particularly of the works of composers such as Mahler, Beethoven, and Wagner, are considered masterful and emotionally resonant. Besides his immense contributions to classical music, Mehta has been involved in various philanthropic efforts and initiatives to promote musical education and cultural exchange, emphasizing the importance of music in fostering understanding and unity across diverse communities.

1. “I knew at university that medicine was just not for me. I saved many lives by not being a doctor!”
— Zubin Mehta

2. “It’s hard to find an emblem of cultural, national pride that burns as bright as Israel’s success in classical music.”
— Zubin Mehta

3. “In truth, I became a conductor because deep down I wanted to conduct Brahms’s four symphonies and Richard Strausss’ tone poems.”
— Zubin Mehta

4. “In this art form, in any art form, generalities are useless.”
— Zubin Mehta

5. “A woman’s life in the orchestra is not as long as a man’s; she is just not as good at 60 as a man is at 60.”
— Zubin Mehta

6. “Although I am flexible and ready to take advice, I can’t carry an umbrella of thoughts over my head that would distract me and affect my music-making.”
— Zubin Mehta

7. “I feel that the critic and music director should have such a good relationship they can pick up the phone and call each other any time.”
— Zubin Mehta

8. “Rock music is predictable unless there’s great talent involved.”
— Zubin Mehta

9. “Essentially, the [New York] Philharmonic is just like any other orchestra-they all have the spirit of kids, and if you scratch away a little of the fatigue and cynicism, out comes a 17-year-old music student again, full of wonder, exuberance and a tremendous love of music.”
— Zubin Mehta

10. “There are three orchestras in Munich, all world-quality, in a city of one million. Yet every hall is full.”
— Zubin Mehta

11. “I love rap because it talks about pain that comes authentically from the ghetto. It moves me.”
— Zubin Mehta

12. “New York is really the place to be; to go to New York, you’re going to the center of the world, the lion’s den.”
— Zubin Mehta

13. “I am jealous of all those people who live on the shore of Dal Lake.”
— Zubin Mehta

14. “Ori Kam is an outstanding violist who has already played as a soloist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra twice, much to our delight and satisfaction, and has availed himself with distinction.”
— Zubin Mehta

15. “Indian hotels are doing well globally because they understand hospitality.”
— Zubin Mehta

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