Zuzana Licko is a prominent figure in the world of typography and graphic design, recognized for her influential work in digital typeface design. Born in 1961 in Bratislava, Slovakia, she co-founded Emigre, a digital-type foundry, in the late 1980s along with her husband, Rudy VanderLans.
Licko’s contributions to typography were groundbreaking because she was among the first to explore and embrace the possibilities offered by digital tools in type design. She played a crucial role in transitioning typography from traditional methods of production to digital creation, revolutionizing the field in the process.
Some of her most famous typefaces include “Mrs Eaves,” inspired by the work of John Baskerville, and “Matrix,” known for its geometric, grid-based design. These typefaces and others designed by Licko have been widely used in various publications, branding, and digital platforms, solidifying her influence on contemporary typography.
Her approach to type design often involved exploring the balance between form and function, marrying aesthetics with readability and functionality. Licko’s work continues to be celebrated for its innovative use of technology and its lasting impact on the world of design.
Zuzana Licko Quotes
1. “A mystery is the most stimulating force in unleashing the imagination.”
— Zuzana Licko
2. “The most popular typefaces are the easiest to read; their popularity has made them disappear from conscious cognition. It becomes impossible to tell if they are easy to read because they are commonly used, or if they are commonly used because they are easy to read.”
— Zuzana Licko
3. “We read best what we read most.”
— Zuzana Licko
4. “You read best what you read most.”
— Zuzana Licko
5. “Type design is an art form and a highly evolved craft.”
— Zuzana Licko
6. “The computer is a wonderful tool for a type designer. It’s like a piano to a pianist or a brush to a painter.”
— Zuzana Licko
7. “Typography is not only about the words; it’s also about the space between the words, the shapes of the letters, the visual rhythm, and much more.”
— Zuzana Licko
8. “A good typeface is one that doesn’t just serve a purpose; it also communicates a mood, a feeling, an atmosphere.”
— Zuzana Licko
9. “In type design, every detail matters. Even the smallest curve or angle can change the entire feel of a font.”
— Zuzana Licko