15 Agamas Quotes For Modern Seekers

Agamas Quotes

The term “Agamas” refers to a collection of scriptures in various branches of Hinduism. These texts are considered authoritative and are foundational in guiding religious beliefs, rituals, and practices within certain sects of Hinduism, particularly in the context of temple construction, worship, and philosophical teachings.

The Agamas cover a wide range of subjects, including temple architecture, deity worship, rituals, yoga practices, and spiritual knowledge. They are categorized based on the deities they focus on—Shaiva Agamas (dedicated to Lord Shiva), Shakta Agamas (centered around the Goddess Shakti), Vaishnava Agamas (related to Lord Vishnu), and others.

These texts are written in Sanskrit and are highly revered among followers of these specific sects. They are believed to have been revealed by the respective deities and are considered essential guides for religious and spiritual practices.

Agamas Quotes

1. “He who is free from impurities, stable, and without any disturbances becomes the Supreme Being Himself.”
— Kamika Agama

2. “Just as fragrance resides in flowers, just as ghee is extracted from milk, so does the Supreme Lord dwell in the heart of every being.”
— Parameshvara Samhita

3. “The mind is the cause of bondage and liberation. When the mind is controlled, it leads to liberation; when uncontrolled, it leads to bondage.”
— Svachchanda Tantra

4. “The wise one should understand that the Atman (soul) within the body is like a priceless gem hidden in rock.”
— Karana Agama

5. “In the absence of egoism, one shall realize oneself, and in the presence of egoism, one shall be bound. Therefore, discard egoism.”
— Pauskara Agama

6. “By the chanting of the sacred syllable ‘OM,’ the highest knowledge is revealed and all sins are destroyed.”
— Kamika Agama

7. “When the mind is cleansed of impurities, the supreme reality is revealed, shining forth like the purest of diamonds.”
— Parameshvara Samhita

8. “The one who sees all beings in themselves and themselves in all beings attains the highest Brahman, not by any other means.”
— Svachchanda Tantra

9. “The Atman is eternal, unborn, imperishable. It is neither bound nor does it seek liberation. It is pure consciousness itself.”
— Karana Agama

10. “The heart is the center where the Supreme Lord resides, shining like the sun in the sky.”
— Pauskara Agama

11. “One should always seek refuge in the Supreme Lord, who is the embodiment of compassion and grace.”
— Kamika Agama

12. “The Supreme Lord is the ultimate reality, devoid of attributes, transcending time and space, eternal and infinite.”
— Parameshvara Samhita

13. “The knowledge of the self is the true knowledge; all other knowledge is ignorance.”
— Svachchanda Tantra

14. “Through meditation, one can realize the unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal soul (Brahman).”
— Karana Agama

15. “The path to liberation lies in realizing the unity of all existence and transcending the illusion of separateness.”
— Pauskara Agama