15+ Age Is Just A Number Quotes For You

Age Is Just A Number Quotes

Age refers to the length of time that a person, animal, object, or event has existed, typically measured from the date of birth, creation, or occurrence. It is commonly expressed in years, but can also be expressed in months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes, depending on the context. Age is an important factor in various fields such as demographics, medicine, and psychology, as it can provide insight into an individual’s physical, cognitive, and social development.

Age Is Just A Number Quotes

1. “Age is just a number, maturity is a choice.”
– Harry Styles

2. “Age is just a number for me! A person is as young as he feels.”
– Sunny Deol

3. “You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair.”
– Samuel Ullman

4. “I don’t look my age, I don’t feel my age and I don’t act my age. To me age is just a number.”
– Joan Collins

5. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
– Mark Twain

6. “Age is just a number, and your talent will never fail you. It has no expiry date.”
– Madhuri Dixit

7. “Age is just a number, and agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness to your value.”
– Christiane Northrup

8. “Age is just a number, not a state of mind or a reason for any type of particular behaviour.”
– Cecelia Ahern

9. “I truly believe that age – if you’re healthy – age is just a number.”
– Hugh Hefner

10. “Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine.”
– Joan Collins

11. “People tell me I look good these days. I look good because I feel good. I know people who are older than I am who are twenty-five… It’s all about attitude. To me, age is just a number.”
– Rita Moreno

12. “You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt, as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear.”
– Paul H. Dunn

13. “The process of maturing is an art to be learned, an effort to be sustained.”
– Marya Mannes

14. “The process of maturing is an art to be learned, an effort to be sustained. By the age of fifty you have made yourself what you are, and if it is good, it is better than your youth.”
– Marya Mannes

15. “Age is just a number. Who cares how old the girl is that I date?”
– Niall Horan

16. “Age is just a number. Unless that is, you live in Hollywood, where there’s this notion that if you haven’t hit it big by your 20s, you may as well hit the road.”
– Kate Walsh

17. “Age is just a number. If someone can perform at 45, who will stop that fellow from playing top-level cricket?”
– Harbhajan Singh

Old Age Quotes

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Old age refers to the later years of life, often characterized by a decline in physical and mental health. It is a natural process that typically begins around the age of 65 or 70, although the specific age at which someone is considered “old” can vary depending on cultural and societal norms. As people age, […]

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Age Quotes

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Age refers to the length of time that a person, animal, object, or event has existed, typically measured from the date of birth, creation, or occurrence. It is commonly expressed in years, but can also be expressed in months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes, depending on the context. Age is an important factor in various […]

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