
Wednesday Quotes Addams Family

Wednesday Quotes Addams Family

Wednesday Addams, the iconic character from the Addams Family, has a unique take on life. Here are a few quotes attributed to her. Wednesday Quotes Addams Family 1. “I’m not perky.” 2. “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.” 3. “I’ll play with your dolls, I’ll play with your guns, but I […]

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Family Affair Quotes

37+ Family Affair Quotes For You

The phrase “family affair” typically refers to a situation, event, or activity that involves or concerns members of a family. It suggests that the matter at hand is specific to or revolves around family members and is often used to describe an event where family members come together or work together towards a common goal […]

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Family Quotes

100+ Family Quotes To Increase Your Bond

Family means different things to different people, but generally, it refers to a group of individuals who are connected by blood, marriage, or adoption and share emotional bonds, responsibilities, and support for each other. Family can include parents, siblings, grandparents, children, extended relatives, and sometimes close friends or chosen family members. Family often serves as […]

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