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Inspirational Mental Health Quotes

Inspirational Mental Health Quotes

Inspirational mental health quotes are little nuggets of wisdom and encouragement that can offer a boost of hope and strength during challenging times. Just like we wouldn’t neglect a physical illness, we shouldn’t ignore our mental wellbeing. Many people experience mental health challenges, and there is help and support available.

Inspirational Mental Health Quotes

1. “You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle.”
— Julian Seifter

2. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”
— Nido Qubein

3. “Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”
— Noam Shpancer

4. “It’s okay to not be okay. Just don’t give up.”
— Unknown

5. “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”
— Dan Millman

6. “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
— Khalil Gibran

7. “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”
— Oprah Winfrey

8. “Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.”
— Mariska Hargitay

9. “Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is essential. Your self-care is a necessity.”
— Unknown

10. “You are stronger than you know. More capable than you ever dreamed. And you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.”
— Unknown

11. “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”
— John Green

12. “Recovery is not one and done. It is a lifelong journey that takes place one day, one step at a time.”
— Unknown

13. “Self-care is how you take your power back.”
— Lalah Delia

14. “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”
— Lou Holtz

15. “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
— Joubert Botha

16. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”
— Zen Proverb

17. “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.”
— Akshay Dubey

18. “Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.”
— Adam Ant

19. “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
— J.K. Rowling

20. “The only journey is the journey within.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke

21. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”
— Brené Brown

22. “The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”
— Juliette Lewis

23. “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”
— Glenn Close

24. “The best way out is always through.”
— Robert Frost

25. “You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective—it just means you’re human.”
— David Mitchell

26. “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
— Joubert Botha

27. “You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.”
— Lori Deschene

28. “Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.”
— Unknown

29. “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
— Maya Angelou

30. “Mental health is just as important as physical health.”
— Unknown

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