Tenrikyo Quotes To Refresh Your Soul

Tenrikyo Quotes

Tenrikyo is a Japanese new religious movement that emerged in the 19th century. It was founded by Nakayama Miki, who is considered the Shrine of God in Tenrikyo. While there aren’t as many widely known quotes from Tenrikyo as from some other religious traditions, here are a few that reflect the teachings and philosophy of Tenrikyo.

Tenrikyo Quotes

1. “Joyousness is the center of everything.”

2. “Life is a journey, and each step is a chance to express gratitude.”

3. “Live each day with a sincere and pure heart.”

4. “The mind to help others is the mind to save oneself.”

5. “Sweep away the dust of the heart and purify it, then your mind will become spirited.”

6. “Gratitude is the key to happiness.”

7. “The truth is in your own mind.”

8. “God the Parent’s intention is to see everyone in the world live a joyous and spirited life.”

9. “Through mutual help and cooperation, the path to a better world becomes clear.”

10. “Faith is the power to live joyously and spiritedly.”

These quotes reflect the central themes of Tenrikyo, emphasizing joy, gratitude, sincerity, and the interconnectedness of all beings.