Women Quotes In Islam

In Islam, women are accorded significant respect and dignity, and there are various verses in the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that emphasize the rights and status of women. Here are some quotes related to women in Islam.

Women Quotes In Islam

1. “Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female – you are equal to one another.”
— Qur’an, 3: 195

2. “Heaven lies beneath the feet of mothers”.
— (Prophet of Islam, may peace be upon him)

3. “And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women.”
— (Quran 2:228)

4. “And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.”
— (Quran 4:124)

5. “And their Lord has accepted of them, and answered them: ‘Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: You are members, one of another.”
— (Quran 3:195)

6. “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”
— Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

7. “Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to them will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.”
— (Quran 16:97)

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