Selfish Quotes

Selfish Quotes That’ll Help To Transform Your View

“Selfish” refers to a behavior or attitude characterized by a primary focus on one’s own needs, desires, or interests, often without regard for others. It involves prioritizing oneself excessively and disregarding the needs or well-being of others. While self-care and attending to personal needs are essential, selfish behavior typically goes beyond reasonable self-interest and can manifest as an unwillingness to consider or empathize with others, leading to actions that solely benefit oneself at the expense of others. It’s often seen as a negative trait when it disrupts the balance of mutual respect, cooperation, or consideration in relationships or social interactions.

Selfish Quotes

1. “I hate liars, hypocrites, and people who take advantage of people who care about them.”
— Unknown

2. “I hate liars, hypocrites, and people who take advantage of people who care about them.”
— Unknown

3. “I hate liars, hypocrites, and people who take advantage of people who care about them.”
— Unknown

4. “The only difference between a hero and the villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people.”
— Chadwick Boseman

5. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot I only exist to you when you need something.”
— Unknown

6. “Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back.”
— Michael Bassey Johnson

7. “Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart, from the belief that love is not abundant.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz

8. “Selfishness is thinking more of the benefits you will get on helping someone.”
— Unknown

9. “No man will work for your interests unless they are his.”
— David Seabury

10. “We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness.”
— Booker T. Washington

11. “The real measure of selfishness is by asking a person how much he is willing to sacrifice.”
— Unknown

12. “Selfish people also tend to have victim mindsets… Their actions plant seeds of loneliness; then they cry upon the blooming.”
— Steve Maraboli

13. “Oh Sorry! I forgot. I only exist whenever you need something.”
— Unknown

14. “Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.”
— William E. Gladstone

15. “I am thankful for the selfish people in my life. They have shown me, exactly who I don’t want to be.”
— Unknown

16. “Fake friends show their true colors when they don’t need you anymore.”
— Unknown

17. “It’s way too easy to see the real face of a person. They’re amiable and full of pretense when they want something from you, but the minute you don’t give in, back away or put yourself first, as they do, is the minute they show you who they are.”
— Donna Lynn Hope

18. “The most miserable people are those who only care about themselves, understand only their own troubles and see only their own perspective.”
— Unknown

19. “Selfish people don’t care about you, unless you are doing something for them.”
— Unknown

20. “Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It’s a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves.”
— Stephen Kendrick

21. “Selfish friends only have themselves in the end.”
— Unknown

22. “If you live your life as if everything is about you. You will be left with just that. Just you.”
— Unknown

23. “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.”
— Unknown

24. “A man is nothing more than the things he does to get what he wants.”
— Hal Ackerman

25. “A man is nothing more than the things he does to get what he wants.”
— Hal Ackerman 

26. “No matter how good your heart is, eventually you have to start treating people the way they treat you.”
— Unknown

27. “They’re not happy for you because they wish it was them.”
— Carlos Wallace

28. “You can’t expect to have a deep relationship with a shallow person.”
— Doe Zantamata

29. “Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons.”
— Travis Bradberry

30. “Some people aren’t loyal to you; they are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.”
— Unknown

31. “You are too full of your own hopes to hold anyone else’s.”
— Joe Abercrombie

32. “If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions.”
— Carlos Wallace

33. “The best way to deal with someone that only wants you when it’s convenient to them is to not deal with them at all.”
— Unknown

34. “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.”
— Maya Angelou

35. “Selfishness is when you only remember a friend if you need something from them.”
— Unknown

36. “Selfishness is when you only remember a friend if you need something from them.”
— Unknown

37. “The biggest lesson learned this year is probably not to give so much of yourself to people who will not do the same for you.”
— Unknown

38. “Silence Speaks Volumes. People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention.”
— Unknown

39. “It’s not my job to make you happy. It’s your job to learn that only those who quit selfishly seeking their own happiness find it.”
— Richelle E. Goodrich

40. “Just remember when you are ignoring them, you are teaching them to live without you.”
— Unknown

41. “Sometimes you think you’re helping someone up, but they’re actually pulling you down. This is the painful dynamic of dealing with someone who is incurably selfish.”
— Unknown

42. “Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish. They do not waste their energies in considering the good of others.”
— Ouida, Wanda

43. “When you say “No” to a toxic family, you say “Yes” to loving yourself.”
— Unknown

44. “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.

45. “Keep calm and avoid selfish people.”
— Unknown

46. “Selfishness is the most unattractive virtue a mortal can possess.”
— Suyasha Subedi

47. “Selfishness is the most unattractive virtue a mortal can possess.”
— Suyasha Subedi 

48. “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.”
— Unknown

49. “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise your rent and kick them out.”
— Unknown

50. “To all the selfish people, Stay real. stay loyal or stay away from me.”
— Unknown

51. “A selfish man doesn’t care if his best friend drowns beside him.”
— Joe Cervantes

52. “Glory built on selfish principles is shame and guilt.”
— Unknown

53. “Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the phony good friend that hugs you.”
— Unknown

54. “If you want to be a generous giver, you have to watch out for selfish takers.”
— Adam Grant

55. “Interesting how the selfish, the ignorant, and the constantly angry all tend to be the same person.”
— Wayne Gerard Trotman

56. “Relationships aren’t designed for selfish individuals.”
— Unknown

57. “Selfish people often mistake selfishness for strength. It takes no talent no intelligence no self—control and no effort to sacrifice other people for your ego.”
— Unknown

58. “Self—absorbed people don’t realize how selfish they’ve become.”
— Unknown

59. “Selfishness is a swamp that sucks in all and gives back nothing.”
— John Thornton

60. “A selfish man performs an act of goodness by painful and strenuous effort, and merely to escape the reproaches of conscience.”
— Unknown

61. “A lot of people who have experienced trauma at the hands of people they’ve trusted take responsibility, and that is what’s toxic.”
— Hannah Gadsby

62. “Someone somewhere (maybe in your circle) wants you to fail. Why give them the satisfaction?”
— Carlos Wallace

63. “To be happy, one must first let go of all pettiness and selfish attachments.”
— Dee Waldeck

64. “People always remember one time you did not help but the million times you help them.”
— Unknown

65. “Selfishness may result in one’s sense of superiority, but life as such will surely deny them.”
— Eraldo Banovac

66. “Better not to plant seeds of selfishness than try to eradicate them once they have grown into giant weeds.”
— Prem Prakash

67. “I have no respect or sympathy for people who act like they’re the only one that’s going through something in life.”
— Unknown

68. “Selfishness at the expense of others is bad. Self—care for the betterment of others is good.”
— Richie Norton

69. “Selfish people tend to only be good to themselves than are surprised when they are alone.”
— Unknown

70. “Self—centered people have only one topic to talk about… THEMSELVES.”
— Stef Harder

71. “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”
— Oscar Wild

72. “What are selfish people but ones who use the weakness of others for their own pleasure?”
— Unknown