All time Famous Zoey Dean Quotes

Zoey Dean Quotes

Zoey Dean is a popular author known for her young adult and chick-lit novels. She’s particularly famous for her “A-List” series, which follows the lives of young socialites in Beverly Hills. Her writing often explores themes of wealth, glamour, and the complexities of relationships in elite circles. If you’re a fan of gripping, glamorous stories set in high society, her books might be right up your alley!

Zoey Dean Quotes

1. “Listen,” Mac interrupted, “you still have to knock it out of the park. But it’s a degree-of-difficulty thing. You’re doing a triple lutz and she’s skating. You’re the Sasha Cohen here.”
— Zoey Dean

2. “You look hot. The straight men will want you, the gay men will want beauty tips, and the women will want to scratch your eyes out. If that isn’t the stuff of fairy tales, I don’t know what is.”
— Zoey Dean

3. “Why is it that for everything you gain in life, something is always lost?”
— Zoey Dean

4. “Meant to be?’ It’s just something people say so that they don’t have to look at all the things they did wrong and wish they could take back. Only by the time they figure that out, it’s too late.”
— Zoey Dean

5. “Life, love, boys—it was all about balance.”
— Zoey Dean

Wolfgang Puck Quotes

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Wolfgang Schauble Quotes

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Wolfgang Schäuble was a German politician whose political career spanned more than five decades. A member of the Christian Democratic Union, he was the longest-serving member of any democratic German parliament. Schäuble served as the 13th president of the Bundestag from 2017 to 2021. Wolfgang Schauble Quotes 1. “Reliability is the precondition for trust.” — […]

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