Apartment Quotes

59+ Apartment Quotes To Help You Inner Peace

An apartment typically refers to a self-contained living space within a larger building or complex. It is a residential unit that is part of a larger structure, usually containing multiple units. Apartments are designed to provide independent living spaces for individuals, couples, or families. They typically consist of one or more bedrooms, a living area, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Apartments can vary in size, layout, and amenities, ranging from small studio apartments to large multi-bedroom units. They are commonly rented by tenants who pay monthly rent to the landlord or property management company. In some cases, apartments may also be available for sale as individual properties.

Apartment Quotes

1. “I installed a skylight in my apartment… the people who live above me are furious!”
— Steven Wright

2. “I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in.”
— Kanye West

3. “My apartment looks like no one lives in it.”
— Michael Kors

4. “An example of good debt is the debt on the apartment houses I own. That debt is good only as long as there are tenants to pay my mortgages. If tenants stop paying their rent, my good debt turns into bad debt.”
— Robert Kiyosaki

5. “I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel.”
— Audrey Hepburn

6. “I like to put on hardcore when I have to clean my apartment, which I hate to do, but it’s motivational. I like old heavy metal when I’m outside working on my car. Music has definite functions for me.”
— Peter Steele

7. “One of my favorite things to do is to play music really loud and dance my butt off in the morning. I’ll do it alone in my apartment. You can’t have a bad day after that.”
— Allison Williams

8. “Apartment living is tough action. Just the whole idea that you share a washer and dryer always freaked me out.”
— Joe Rogan

9. “Home, to me, is where I am and where I feel most comfortable. Obviously, Malaysia is home. In L.A., my home is my apartment because that’s my Malaysia.”
— Yuna

10. “With the computer and stuff, the difference between a rich guy and a poor guy, to me, is nothing. Because I don’t like big houses, I don’t drive a car, so you know, I just live in a small apartment and I have my computer, which is really cool.”
— Norm MacDonald

11. “The inside of a house or apartment after decluttering has much in common with a Shinto shrine… a place where there are no unnecessary things, and our thoughts become clear.”
— Marie Kondo

12. “My mom, through my dad, rented the apartment next door to his… he had the lease on both places. But then, she would dress up and act like his maid… a practical maid. No fantasies.”
— Trevor Noah

13. “I’m a teenager, but I’m independent – I have my own apartment, I have my own life. And I think I have learned more than any of those teenagers have in school. I learned to be responsible, leaving my family and coming here alone.”
— Adriana Lima

14. “My parents used to throw great New Year’s Eve parties. They invited such an eclectic mix of showbiz people. All those cool people were always hanging out at our apartment.”
— Ben Stiller

15. “In my sophomore year of high school, I watched my friend Loretta leave in a U-Haul headed for Oakland. She and her mom had been tenants in a nearby apartment, forced out by rent they couldn’t afford anymore.”
— London Breed

16. “I’m in college at North Carolina State University. I’m about to start my sophomore year and have an apartment on campus with three buddies I’ve grown up with. I get to be normal when I’m there, and then I tour Thursday through Sunday.”
— Scotty McCreery

17. “My home is in Chicago, but I have an apartment in Los Angeles.”
— Bonnie Hunt

18. “My grandmother and I would go see movies, and we’d come back to the apartment – we had a one-room apartment in Hollywood – and I would kind of lock myself in this little dressing room area with a cracked mirror on the door and act out what I had just seen.”
— Carol Burnett

19. “My manager lives on my block; four of the apartments in my apartment complex of seven are people I know. It’s a really close-knit community, and almost everyone on these few blocks are artists or graphic designers, because we live right on the cusp of a warehouse district.”
— Grimes

20. “The age of 20 was all about stupid things. I did crazy things but never lost it. I was, you know, a little crazy. I once broke up with my boyfriend in London and went to an Indian guy’s apartment who I didn’t know and who told me he saw my aura and gave me a massage.”
— Ayelet Zurer

21. “She’s born and raised with wildlife, living with a zoo. What would be strange for Bindi is if she were in an apartment in suburbia with a goldfish.”
— Terri Irwin

22. “If you’ve been apartment or home shopping and left disgusted because a realtor brought you into a space that hadn’t been updated since 1977, you’ve experienced the visitors clubhouse at Wrigley. Ceilings on top of you, lockers smashed together, plastic tables cluttering the floor and carpet ripped straight off the Brady Bunch stairs.”
— Gabe Kapler

23. “I’ve developed a habit of people-watching. In Paris, I love watching all kinds of people walking by from my apartment terrace, and while I’m traveling the world, I enjoy observing all the people in airports.”
— Jeanne Damas

24. “I don’t dispute the fact that I ordered too many mason jars. 1,200 Mason jars in a studio apartment is not the hill that I will die on.”
— Caroline Calloway

25. “When I moved out, my mom and dad came to help me get settled into my apartment – a place I ultimately got hooked up with in Coach Nelson’s building. We had to figure out how to get all my shoes over here. That was a little stressful.”
— Stephen Curry

26. “I lived at the Gramercy Park Hotel for about 10 years. It was terrific. It was a pleasantly run-down hotel of the ’70s and ’80s with a mix of older, rent-controlled apartment dwellers, Europeans and new wave and punk bands. The room service was great, the hamburger was terrific, and they had a doctor who made house calls.”
— Paul Shaffer

27. “When I was 11, I realised that I did not have to live the life my mother had: school, marriage, children, apartment, summer house.”
— Maj Sjowall

28. “Startups are now creating specialized 3-D printers capable of producing everything from synthetic hamburgers to multi-story apartment buildings.”
— Jay Samit

29. “I was born in Chicago in 1927, the only child of Morris and Mildred Markowitz, who owned a small grocery store. We lived in a nice apartment, always had enough to eat, and I had my own room. I never was aware of the Great Depression.”
— Harry Markowitz

30. “In Naples, Fla., I met a self-made man, a multimillionaire, whose round penthouse apartment is home to Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Henry Moore, and Mickey Mantle. He had purchased the most coveted items auctioned by the Mantle family at Madison Square Garden in December 2003.”
— Jane Leavy

31. “I like to encourage people interested in gardening or planting to begin with a simple herb garden. Even if you live in a small apartment, you can have some herb pots.”
— Anna Getty

32. “Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party.”
— Robin Williams

33. “I am alone a lot, which is good. I need that time to just be alone after a long day, just decompress. So, I go to either my house or the hotel, or my apartment, or whatever – wherever I am, I go home and I watch TV and I sit there, with my cat, and I just watch TV or go online, check my emails.”
— Taylor Swift

34. “I lived in my car in Hollywood for a year, and then it got towed. My… apartment got towed. How… does that happen?”
— Joey Diaz

35. “Never far from my thoughts are memories of being a little girl in Queens, N.Y., our family of five crowded in a small one-bedroom apartment, struggling to learn English and survive a new life in a new country, America. We humbly and gratefully still recall the kindnesses shown by strangers and neighbors who became new friends.”
— Elaine Chao

36. “I don’t think I’m a workaholic. Every weekend, I invite my colleagues and friends to my home to play cards. And people, my neighbors, are always surprised because I live on the second floor apartment, and there are usually 40 pairs of shoes in front of my gate, and people play cards inside and play chess. We have a lot of fun.”
— Jack Ma

37. “A landlord is showing a couple around an apartment. The husband looks up and says, ‘Wait a minute. This apartment doesn’t have a ceiling.’ The landlord answers, ‘That’s OK. The people upstairs don’t walk around that much.’”
— Gilbert Gottfried

38. “Let’s take Taylor Swift. She lives in a huge beautiful apartment; she gets limo-ed everywhere. She’s not seeing what it means to live in New York.”
— Awkwafina

39. “The first time I went to Helene Hanff’s apartment at 305 East 72nd Street, it was 1977, and I was a 16-year-old girl who wanted to be a writer.”
— Jean Hanff Korelitz

40. “When I was 5, some financial things happened, and I moved seven times in a year. We moved from apartment to apartment, sometimes living with friends. My mom would always say, ‘Don’t get comfortable, because we may not be here long.’”
— LeBron James

41. “The world of Manhattan is small and tightly knit, and the man on top retains a certain humility. He knows how far and fast he can fall by looking at the guy across the street. The view from the $250,000 apartment covers a lot of ground, most of it condemned.”
— Herb Caen

42. “I’m in my apartment in trendy Tribeca. I’ve been down here for 37 years, from before it was a fashionable neighbourhood. It’s a wonderful place; it looks over the Hudson River. I can see 30 miles into New Jersey. My landlord would like me to die because the rent is very low. I’m trying to outlive him. He can get a lot more if I disappear.”
— Mark Margolis

43. “I was from very poor people: 11 of us in a two-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. I wanted the large houses, the cars, jets, and yacht.”
— Neil Sedaka

44. “The most solitary I ever felt was when I was living in New York. I used to live in Enrico Caruso’s old apartment, and I had a special staircase that took me up to the roof. There was nobody up there.”
— Robert Duvall

45. “I have a lot of fake food in my apartment, but I’m picky about it. Old plaster food, like from the ’50s is really nice, hollowed out paper-mache food from old plays – the new stuff just looks too good.”
— Amy Sedaris

46. “I would be with a bunch of Kennedy fans watching the debate, and their comment would be, ‘He’s really slaughtering Nixon.’ Then we would all go to another apartment, and the Nixon fans would say, ‘How do you like the shellacking he gave Kennedy?’”
— Lenny Bruce

47. “My roommate got a pet elephant. Then it got lost. It’s in the apartment somewhere.”
— Steven Wright

48. “I’m a planner, an organizer. I write things down because you can visually check them off and see progress. Writing things down is a lost art. I’ve got sticky notes all over my apartment.”
— Will Grier

49. “I grew up in Russia. We had a telephone line, but a load of our neighbours didn’t. It became a shared resource for the whole apartment complex. People would come and knock on the door and ask to call their family in another city.”
— Jan Koum

50. “Most people don’t know that I am an accomplished dramatic actor… But I’ve performed in several Shakespeare productions including Hamlet, except in this version, Hamlet lives in an apartment with two women, and has to pretend he’s gay so that the landlord won’t evict him.”
— John Ritter

51. “I used to know Jennifer Love Hewitt. We lived in the same apartment building when I was about… jeez, I guess it was when I was doing ‘Christmas Vacation’, so I was about 13 or 14.”
— Johnny Galecki

52. “Working with Tracy Morgan on ’30 Rock’ is really great. I love Tracy. He’s wonderful. Well, until his fish tank caught fire – his apartment burned up and flooded my apartment. We live in the same building, but I’m eight floors below him and we had to evacuate.”
— Sherri Shepherd

53. “I once spent an entire night in a hotel in New York looking across the way into someone’s apartment where nothing was happening but daily life, a phone call, television watching, staring into the fridge. Seeing how those strangers lived over that small distance and in absolute silence moved me deeply.”
— Lauren Groff

54. “I work 14-hour days on-set, and when you go home to an empty apartment, the last thing you’re going to do is cook a meal. I eat cereal, eggs, or smoothies. That’s my routine.”
— Jesse Spencer

55. “I am a tumbleweed. I don’t have a company. I don’t have a staff. I don’t own anything – I’ve never owned a car or an apartment.”
— Bennett Miller

56. “My apartment is the equivalent of one room in my Toronto home. Now I understand why New Yorkers are on the streets at all hours. People don’t want to stay inside for fear they’ll go crazy.”
— Samantha Bee

57. “If you’re an actor and you don’t get cast in stuff a lot, then put together a show or hold play-reading nights at your apartment. Make your own opportunities.”
— Tina Fey

58. “I’ve been singing quieter because I live in a thin-walled apartment.”
— Kim Shattuck

59. “We didn’t sit around the dining table talking about Madam Walker, but the silverware that we used every day had her monogram on it and our china for special occasions had been Madam Walker’s china… and the baby grand piano on which I learned to read music had been in A’Lelia Walker’s apartment in Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance.”
— A’Lelia Bundles

60. “My main residence is Baltimore. I have an apartment in New York, one in San Francisco, and I live in a rental in Provincetown in the summer.”
— John Waters