Inspirational Good Night Quotes

Inspirational Good Night Quotes

As the day winds down and slumber beckons, a touch of inspiration can ease your mind and prepare you for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Inspirational Good Night Quotes

1. “Good night, sleep tight, may your dreams take you on a wonderful flight.”
― Unknown

2. “The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow.”
― Jonathan Lockwood Huie

3. “May the stars carry your sadness away, may the flowers fill your heart with beauty.”
― Chief Dan George

4. “Good night! May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream so beautiful you’ll cry when you awake.”
― Michael Faudet

5. “Night is a world lit by itself.”
― Antonio Porchia

6. “Good night, and let your dreams be kind ones.”
― Unknown

7. “Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.”
― George Orwell

8. “The stars sparkle and shine as you do in my life. Have a good night’s sleep.”
― Unknown

9. “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”
― E. Joseph Cossman

10. “Sleep is the best meditation.”
― Dalai Lama

11. “Good night. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.”
― Unknown

12. “The moon is full, the night is deep, nature is alive—the only thing missing is you, next to me as we sleep.”
― Unknown

13. “The night is longer than a day for those who dream, and day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true.”
― Jack Kerouac

14. “Good night. May you have sweet dreams and may the Lord bless you with a peaceful sleep.”
― Unknown

15. “Every night, I think of you before bed with the hopes of having you in my dreams.”
― Unknown

16. “The night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.”
― Vincent Van Gogh

17. “Good night! God keep you till the morning, and guard you safe from every harm, I pray.”
― Lyliam Williams

18. “The night is a time of rigor, but also of mercy. There are truths which one can see only when it’s dark.”
― Isaac Bashevis Singer

19. “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
― Sarah Williams

20. “Good night. Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival.”
― Anthony T. Hincks

21. “As you end this day, before you sleep, remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.”
― Unknown

22. “Good night! May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream so beautiful you’ll cry when you awake.”
― Michael Faudet

23. “The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.”
― Haruki Murakami

24. “Good night. Sleep gently tonight and dream of the happiness which is sure to come to you.”
― Unknown

25. “Night is a time of rigor, but also of mercy. There are truths which one can see only when it’s dark.”
― Isaac Bashevis Singer

26. “Good night. May your dreams be filled with wonderful thoughts and lovely things.”
― Unknown

27. “The night is a beautiful, inspiring time. The moon shines bright and the stars light up the sky, reminding us of the endless possibilities life holds.”
― Unknown

28. “Good night. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.”
― Unknown

29. “The night is always darkest before dawn. But when dawn breaks, it lightens up the world.”
― Unknown

30. “Good night. May you dream of lovely things and wake to find them real.”
― Unknown

31. “Let the night take you. Let the stars evaporate into your dreams. Let sleep be the only comfort for you to believe.”
― Anthony Liccione

32. “Good night. Sleep sweetly until morning’s light.”
― Theodore Higgingsworth

33. “Night is a time to reflect, to breathe, and to let go. May you have a peaceful night and wake up refreshed.”
― Unknown

34. “Good night. May you be tucked in by angels and wrapped in love.”
― Unknown

35. “As you close your eyes tonight, may you drift off to a place where dreams come true and wake up to a world that’s even better.”
― Unknown

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