Monday Inspirational Quotes

Monday Inspirational Quotes

Ah, Monday. The very word can strike fear into the hearts of even the most enthusiastic go-getters. But fear not! Mondays are a chance to hit the reset button, set the tone for the week, and chase your goals with renewed energy.

Monday Inspirational Quotes

1. “Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.”
— Unknown

2. “Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”
— David Dweck

3. “Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.”
— Rita Schiano

4. “It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing – it’s not permanent.”
— Unknown

5. “Mondays are the beginning of the workweek which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”
— David Dweck

6. “The future depends on what you do today. Happy Monday!”
— Mahatma Gandhi

7. “Monday is the day to set the tone for a productive and fulfilling week.”
— Unknown

8. “Embrace the challenge of a new week and make it a great one. Happy Monday!”
— Unknown

9. “This should be the spirit every Monday. Know that something good will always happen.”
— Gabriel Garcia Marquez

10. “It’s a new day and a new week. Start off fresh to accomplish your best!”
— Unknown

11. “Mondays are for fresh starts and new beginnings.”
— Unknown

12. “The best way to predict the future is to create it. Have a productive Monday!”
— Peter Drucker

13. “Don’t let the fear of starting over hold you back. Mondays are a great day for new beginnings.”
— Unknown

14. “Monday is a day to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.”
— Unknown

15. “Mondays are the building blocks of a successful week.”
— Unknown

16. “The challenge of every Monday is to maintain the same vitality in each and every day of the week.”
— Byron Pulsifer

17. “Mondays are a fresh start, a new beginning. A chance to set a new tone for the rest of the week!”
— Unknown

18. “Start your week with a positive attitude. You get to decide what kind of Monday you will have!”
— Unknown

19. “Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”
— Unknown

20. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life. Happy Monday!”
— Ken Poirot

21. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.”
— Germany Kent

22. “Mondays are for new beginnings and setting the tone for a positive week.”
— Unknown

23. “Let this Monday be a great day for you to start fresh and pursue your dreams.”
— Unknown

24. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Happy Monday!”
— Zig Ziglar

25. “Monday is the day to shake off last week’s mistakes and start fresh.”
— Unknown

26. “Mondays are the start of the workweek which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”
— Unknown

27. “Mondays are a new beginning to the week and a new beginning for reaching your goals.”
— Unknown

28. “The beginning is always today. Happy Monday!”
— Mary Shelley

29. “It’s Monday. Time to take over the world.”
— Unknown

30. “May your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.”
— Unknown