Vogue Magazine Quotes

All Time Famous Vogue Magazine Quotes

Vogue is a renowned fashion and lifestyle magazine that has been in publication since 1892. It’s one of the most influential fashion magazines globally, known for its high-quality photography, in-depth articles, and coverage of fashion, beauty, culture, and lifestyle trends. Vogue has multiple international editions, including Vogue US, Vogue UK, Vogue Paris, Vogue Italia, and many others, each catering to the style and culture of its respective region. Over the years, Vogue has become synonymous with luxury, style, and sophistication, and it’s often considered a prestigious platform for fashion designers, models, photographers, and other creatives in the industry.

Vogue Magazine Quotes

1. “I’ve always known that I’m a little out of vogue.”
— Kevin Costner

2. “The 1920s was the beginning of the media age. For the first time people were taking influences from the radio, Vogue and Hollywood.”
— Dawn O’Porter

3. “In those parts of the world where learning and science has prevailed, miracles have ceased; but in those parts of it as are barbarous and ignorant, miracles are still in vogue.”
— Ethan Allen

4. “I love magazines. I always read ‘Time,’ ‘Newsweek’ and ‘The Economist.’ When I get my hair cut, French ‘Vogue,’ French ‘Elle,’ ‘Paris Match’ – I read them all in 10 minutes.”
— Janine di Giovanni

5. “My mother, all of her sisters and my siblings all went through a stage from the age of about 15 to 19 where they widened and then lengthened. Had I not been modelling, that would have been a phase that was in a family photo album rather than in Vogue.”
— Sophie Dahl

6. “No woman or girl is going to want to spend time looking at pretty dresses on the Internet. Vogue is going to be around for a long time to come.”
— Felix Dennis

7. “We live in a time where it’s very much in vogue, constant search for pure utopian equality, and which, on one level, is quite amusingly silly but also on another probably very important.”
— Nicolas Winding Refn

8. “My dream jobs would be Italian ‘Vogue’ and anything with Chanel!”
— Kendall Jenner

9. “My mother was a beauty queen in her hey day. That’s where I learnt a little about makeup and hair… I had never picked up or even seen a ‘Vogue’ before I was 17. I had no idea about fashion, magazines, models or designers. No idea.”
— Kylie Bax

10. “The great thing about interning at ‘Teen Vogue’ is that there is so much room for growth; interns here do incredible things if they work hard enough and think outside the box.”
— Emily Weiss

11. “Patrick Demarchelier was the one who got me my first ‘Vogue’ cover. It was French ‘Vogue’ – I think in ’87 or ’88. I think I was the first black model to be on the cover of French Vogue, which was shocking to me because when I asked them about it, they were like, ‘Oh, no. We’ve never had that before.’”
— Naomi Campbell

12. “Many photographers feel their client is the subject. My client is a woman in Kansas who reads Vogue. I’m trying to intrigue, stimulate, feed her. My responsibility is to the reader. The severe portrait that is not the greatest joy in the world to the subject may be enormously interesting to the reader.”
— Irving Penn

13. “Most people know no other way of judging men’s worth but by the vogue they are in, or the fortunes they have met with.”
— Francois de La Rochefoucauld

14. “’Vogue’ is a very specific world. You are ‘Vogue,’ or not ‘Vogue.’”
— Carine Roitfeld

15. “I realize that protest paintings are not exactly in vogue, but I’ve done many.”
— Robert Indiana

16. “I can’t imagine life without Vogue at this point. People say, what’s changed? What’s different But it’s just part of growing up, meeting your soulmate and moving on with life.”
— Spencer Matthews

17. “Yes, I was on the cover of ‘Vogue,’ but girls on the cover of ‘Vogue’ are the most scared of rejection. Models are the most insecure of them all. Actually, actors and actresses are, and then musicians, and then models!”
— Jasmine Guinness

18. “The eight months I took off between ‘Teen Vogue’ and ‘Lucky’ afforded me such amazing opportunities, and I learned so much from so many different people – the brands that I worked with, the companies that I was consulting for.”
— Eva Chen

19. “I don’t know if this is too weird to say, but this is completely surreal for me. Bizarre. The cover of ‘Teen Vogue’ has been on my bucket list forever.”
— Lily Collins

20. “I was a fashion editor for years in London before I came to ‘Vogue,’ and I spent my life arranging the folds of a ball gown skirt for a picture and pinning fabric and using all those stylist tricks. And you don’t have to do that now because they can do it in Photoshop.”
— Hamish Bowles

21. “My appearance was always good and my ability to play on the piano, especially ragtime, which was then at the height of its vogue, made me a welcome guest.”
— James Weldon Johnson

22. “Rhythm is born in all of us. To be a desirable dancing partner, you don’t have to do all the intricate fancy steps that happen to be in vogue. All you have to do is be a good average dancer, and anybody who spends the time and effort can accomplish this.”
— Ginger Rogers

23. “When I made ‘Polly Maggoo,’ it was more or less the end of this collaboration with ‘Vogue’ because I made a caricature of the editor-in-chief and the fashion people, so they didn’t really adore me.”
— William Klein

24. “My mom was my muse – she would buy me Italian ‘Vogue.’ I was this little fashion boy.”
— Nicola Formichetti

25. “I think in my generation, when I came along in the early ’60s, the type of music that was in vogue in society in those days had moved on to another kind of music. I was trying to sell antiques in a modern appliance store.”
— Frank Sinatra Jr.

26. “With ‘Haaye Dil,’ I wish I can get the pop music culture back in vogue.”
— Jubin Nautiyal

27. “Part of the pleasure of editing ‘Vogue,’ one that lies in a long tradition of this magazine, is being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it.”
— Anna Wintour

28. “I said to my mother, ‘When you see my name in ‘Vogue,’ I will have arrived.’”
— Mario Testino

29. “Learning how to be editor-in-chief of ‘Vogue’ wasn’t something that happened overnight.”
— Anna Wintour

30. “At school, a careers adviser asked me what I wanted to be, and I said ‘fashion journalist,’ so writing for ‘Vogue’ has provided me with the opportunity to fulfill a dream.”
— Alexa Chung

31. “’Vogue’ is a fashion magazine, and a fashion magazine is about change.”
— Anna Wintour

32. “John Parsons, the gay art director at ‘Vogue,’ really started my career.”
— David Bailey

33. “If Botticelli were alive today he’d be working for Vogue.”
— Peter Ustinov

34. “To be in ‘Vogue’ has to mean something. It’s an endorsement. It’s a validation.”
— Anna Wintour

35. “When I was 14, I entered British Vogue’s annual talent contest and got a special mention. I went up to London to meet the editors and wrote about it in my high school magazine.”
— Hamish Bowles

36. “Liberman said to me, ‘I must cut back on the work you do for Vogue. The editors don’t like it. They say the photographs burn on the page . After some years, I began to understand that what they wanted of me was simply a nice, sweet, clean-looking image of a lovely young woman.”
— Irving Penn

37. “I never was interested in being part of the fashion world – I just wanted to design shoes. I didn’t even know ‘Vogue’ existed when I was growing up. ‘Vogue,’ what is that?’”
— Christian Louboutin

38. “Profit is the sole criterion used by the establishment to evaluate economic activity. From the rat race to lame ducks. The vocabulary in vogue is a give-away. It’s more reminiscent of a human menagerie than human society.”
— Jimmy Reid

39. “My ‘Vogue’ is about being inclusive; it’s about diversity. Showing different women, different body shapes, different races, class. To be tackling gender.”
— Edward Enninful

40. “When I was kid, I remember playing ‘Vogue’ by Madonna over and over and over again. And ah, you know, something about the beat was really cool, and Madonna, visually, was on TV all the time and I thought she was just so beautiful.”
— Adam Lambert

41. “Being on the cover of ‘Vogue’ at 15 meant nothing to me. I never really understood what it was they were looking at, what they saw in me.”
— Carmen Dell’Orefice

42. “When I die I want to go to Vogue.”
— David Bailey

43. “My dad is black and my mom is white. It was not in vogue to be an interracial couple in the 1970s in South Texas. After my parents moved to San Antonio, it took almost a year for them to find their first home.”
— Will Hurd

44. “So many women just don’t know how great they really are. They come to us all vogue outside and vague on the inside.”
— Mary Kay Ash

45. “At an early age I discovered the beauty in pictures in ‘Vogue’ magazine and Ebony magazine, and I would read ‘The New York Times.’ I had to make my own world within my world because I was an only child.”
— Andre Leon Talley

46. “Look, on the first day of ‘The Jump’ we shared a ski lift together. We got to the top and Vogue skied off and I said, jokingly at the time: ‘I’m going to marry that girl.’ Turns out, I am.”
— Spencer Matthews

47. “I want ‘Vogue’ to be pacy, sharp, and sexy – I’m not interested in the super-rich or infinitely leisured. I want our readers to be energetic executive women, with money of their own and a wide range of interests. There is a new kind of woman out there. She’s interested in business and money.”
— Anna Wintour

48. “I’m always looking for a cover subject that reflects the magazine, an interest in fashion, in culture, in society. We’re trying to bring the world into the pages of ‘Vogue.’ We do that by tapping into the zeitgeists with our cover subjects.”
— Anna Wintour

49. “We all have our vanities. The retouching magazines like ‘Vogue’ do is the professional version of the retouching we do when we, for example, apply Instagram filters to the pictures we take and share on our social networks.”
— Roxane Gay

50. “My obsession with accumulation, which at times has taken on the whisper of a psychic illness – as anyone who has experienced the ode to the Collyer brothers that is my ‘Vogue’ office will concur – began in infancy.”
— Hamish Bowles

51. “This phrase, ‘culture jamming,’ was very much in vogue in the 1990s when these superbrands sort of emerged and started kind of projecting their names onto ever more surfaces.”
— Naomi Klein

52. “’Vogue’ is the best of everything that fashion can offer, and I think we point the way. We are, you know, a glamorous girlfriend.”
— Anna Wintour

53. “I had this vague notion that one day I might be editor of ‘Vogue China.’ It was a bizarre ambition, as I didn’t speak a word of Chinese. There were flaws in my plan, admittedly.”
— Katie McGrath

54. “I would like just one time to be on the cover of Italian Vogue.”
— Adriana Lima

55. “We don’t vogue, we are ‘Vogue’.”
— Linda Evangelista

56. “The subculture of felons is in great vogue among adolescents. Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and so forth allow us Republicans to say to America’s young people, ‘We be thugs.’ The GOP may capture the youth vote at last.”
— P. J. O’Rourke

57. “’Teen Vogue’ is so much more than just a magazine. It’s so much more than just a website. It’s so much more than social. It’s really about the audience, and so we’re going to continue to innovate and continue to find new ways of reaching this audience in meaningful ways.”
— Elaine Welteroth

58. “All I did my first year at Vogue was Xerox.”
— Vera Wang

59. “As a kid, I collected ‘Vogue’ every month for three years.”
— Sam Smith

60. “The thing is that any sophistication I have, aesthetically, comes from ‘Vogue’ and ‘Harper’s Bazaar.’ In the ’60s, I never missed an issue, even if I had to steal to get them.”
— Patti Smith