Top 10 Quotes by Beth Moore

Top 10 Quotes by Beth Moore

Beth Moore is a well-known American author, Bible teacher, and speaker, born on June 16, 1957. She is recognized for her bestselling books and Bible studies, which focus on Christian spirituality and women’s ministry. Moore’s teachings often emphasize personal spiritual growth, biblical interpretation, and the application of faith in everyday life. She founded Living Proof Ministries, through which she conducts conferences and produces resources aimed at empowering women spiritually. Moore’s work has made a significant impact in evangelical circles, inspiring many to deepen their faith and engage more fully in Christian communities.

Top 10 Quotes by Beth Moore

1. “We’re going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.”
— Beth Moore

2. “Satan never wastes a fiery dart on an area covered in armor.”
— Beth Moore

3. “When the stakes are high, bow down low.”
— Beth Moore

4. “Faith is not believing in my own unshakable belief. Faith is believing an unshakable God when everything in me trembles and quakes.”
— Beth Moore

5. “If God said it, I want to believe it. If God gives it, I want to receive it. If God shows it, I want to perceive it. If Satan stole it, I want to retrieve it.”
— Beth Moore

6. “True intimacy with God always brings humility.”
— Beth Moore

7. “You cannot amputate your history from your destiny, because that is redemption.”
— Beth Moore

8. “The purpose exceeds the pain.”
— Beth Moore

9. “Courage comes from a heart that is CONVINCED it is loved.”
— Beth Moore

10. “Worship is focus.”
— Beth Moore

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Barack Obama, born August 4, 1961, served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017, becoming the first African American to hold the office. A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he began his career as a community organizer and civil rights attorney. His presidency is noted for the […]

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Top 10 Quotes by Billy Graham

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